Page 35 of Healing the Heart

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My brows shot up at his enigmatic words, but I didn’t dig into those either. I felt it would be better to be pleasantly surprised than be expectant. I dipped my head for a kiss, then smiled. “I'll hold you to that.”

Before his company came into the room, I left and got into my car, promising myself to do more than jump into bed with John…but with how tempting John was, that was to be seen.



Evening descended earlier than expected. The sky was streaked with pink and oranges. From the patio of my room, I braced my arms on the baluster and gazed out, watching the Texas sunset swallow up the sky with a beautiful bounty of crimson and oxblood.

It had been three days since Rayna had left the ranch, and because of Brandon’s bullshit, I had to double-time it with my guys to fix that damn fence. I was either on the ranch or in the office, dealing with paperwork for the business, scheduling orders, and working up invoices.

That didn’t mean my nights were not filled with her, though. I dreamed of her for those nights in a row and regretted that she was not in my bed. Laying there, as hard as granite, I had to remind myself to keep our lives separate to protect my girls.

And her job. If they discover this entanglement, her job will be in danger.

Those mornings had been frustrating, and I had to have some self-love inside the shower, but I had to remember to stick to the lines. Rayna was primarily there for Sam. What we had on the side was something extra, a perk; it could not start to overtake the true reason for her being there.

It was Thursday morning, and I headed down to see the girls off to school before I headed to my office. Ben was waiting for me there, and the first thing out of his mouth was, “That doggone fence is fixed. That thing is studier than a brick shithouse from the stone age.”

I laughed. Ben did have a peculiar way with words. “So, I can get that asshole off my back now?”

“Yep,” Ben replied, turning away before returning to me. “Make sure this game you’re playing with Miss Rayna is smart, John. You don’t want those girls to be lookin’ at you sideways in the next coming months.”

I knew what he meant. I didn’t even want to know how he had known or sensed that Rayna and I were bumping boots, but it didn’t matter. “It’s all strapped up, Ben. Nothing is slipping with us, and Rayna is not that kind of girl. She ain’t playing games with me or would try to trap me.”

“I feel that too, but just be careful,” Ben eyed me.

Inside my office, I debated which medium was the best way to contact West, a phone call to his office or an email. Perhaps I should turn the tables on him and drop into his ranch unexpectedly, but…no. I did not need the drama, so I emailed his secretary about the fence and moved on to more important matters.

I reached for my phone as it beeped.

Rayna:I’m free tomorrow.

How about a night in the town?I replied.


Text me your address; I’ll come to get you tonight. I sent back.

After she sent me the address, I called my pilot. When Bennie answered, I told her, “Gas up the plane for a round trip to Austin.”

* * *

I barely hid my grin when the car drove past the entire airport complex to a separate road, and the small landing strip came into view where my Falcon sat in wait. Rayna stared at the plane, then whipped her head to me, “But…but you said a night in the town.”

“I did,” I said while stepping out into the dusk. “I just didn’t saywhichtown, did I?”

Her jaw dropped a little, showing hints of her teeth, but my eyes were drawn to the bold rub red lipstick she wore. Red lipstick was sinfully sexy to me, and so was her cute, black wrap dress that ended four inches over her knee. Her hair was curled, and her makeup was soft and delicate…except for those devilish lips.

I wore dark jeans, a simple button-down sports jacket, boots, and Stetson; proper casual dress for a Texas boy if you asked me. Those monkey suits were for when I had meetings in New York or Washington, not for an upscale steakhouse restaurant in Austin.

A fluttering breeze washed a tendril of hair across her face, and I couldn’t stop myself. I hooked it with a finger and guided it behind her ear, but then took a detour and trailed the tip over her peachy-soft skin.

Instantly, I clenched my teeth against the urge to toss her over my shoulder caveman-style and get her back into the car. My cock demanded that I get her into bed, and pronto…but no. This relationship could not just be all about sex.

But isn’t that the deal?

I buried that traitorous thought under a mountain of denials. Rayna was not just some sex doll I could use and put back in a box when I was done. She was a human being and deserved some courtesy.
