Page 47 of Healing the Heart

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While the man considered my offer, I felt a bit out at sea. Aside from making the kids do a blood bath or sing kumbaya, I didn’t know what would assure Lucas they would stick to their word.

Finally, he plucked his rimless glasses off and rubbed his forehead, “I suppose—” he then looked at the two kids, “And you both promise to be on your best behavior?”

“Yes,” Tyler and Samantha said at the same time.

“Good.” He placed his frames back on, then looked at John. “I’m sorry to bring you out here on such a matter, but I think it's time we get to know each other. Do you have time to stay for a bit and talk? Possibly fire up the grill?”

Grinning, John said, “Do you make your own sauce?”

“No,” he said, “It’s from a bottle.”

“Heresy,” John shook his head. “From one man who knows beef, let me cue you into a little secret. Homemade is the best, and I’ve got a killer recipe for it—”

* * *

Later that evening, as we walked to our separate cars, the vivid sunset painting the sky a splash of orange and red, John got Samantha into the car and then shut the door.

Turning to me, he said, “Thanks for coming. It surely helped us out.”

Temporarily distracted by how the sunset turned his dark brown hair into a burnished bronze, I shook myself out of it and said, “It's my pleasure. You know I gave you my word to stand with you and Samantha. Why would I back out at all?”

He lifted his hand—aiming, I knew, for my face—but remembering Samantha in the truck, he dropped it on my shoulder instead. “Thank you, but I’m still a bit…bothered. You know that old adage about nature versus nurture? I think my nurture might have spoiled Sam a bit. Perhaps it wasn’t the best thing to have her around so many guys.”

I shook my head. “You’re wrong. I’ve been thinking about it, and I realized something, You’ve raised a smart, resilient little girl, but the matter here is not that Samantha doesn’t know she has a feminine nature. She’s never been in touch with it, which is okay. Take it from me. Many tomboys grow up to be some very special, sensual, and sexy women.”

His warm chuckle flowed over me. “I can see that…but I think Sam might need a helping hand. If…if I gave you the time and money, would you take her out, show her the other half of the coin? Go shopping, have facials, manicures, whatnot?”

My brows shot up. “Um, sure. I’d love that.”

Shooting another heart-stopping grin, John added, “I’ll come to your place tonight to talk about it.”

Instantly, my body flushed. I could bet there would be more than talking going on. “You remember the way?”

“I couldn’t forget it if you knocked me over the head and spun me around,” he replied, and his eyes darkened while opening his truck’s door. “I’ll be there at eight on the dot.”

And damn if that didn’t keep me on edge for the rest of the day.

* * *

The crickets were chirping when I heard tires crunch on my driveway. For the past three hours, all I did was try to distract myself—unsuccessfully—from his arrival. I’d cleaned the cottage from top to bottom, done a load of laundry, had a store-bought pie warming in the oven, and stocked my fridge with drinks and beer.

I’d showered and shaved, only to go back and wax and exfoliate myself because I wanted to feel soft, sexy, and sensual. This thing with John was nothing more than a friends-with-benefits thing, but it didn’t matter. I wanted the best experience with him all the time.

Opening the door, I stepped aside as he came in, and oddly, the tiny room seemed to shrink two sizes with his powerful presence inside it.

He took off his hat and looked around. Probably for the first time since the night he had whisked me off to Austin, he had not taken the time to do so.

“This is…cozy,” he murmured.

I laughed. “Stop being so polite. It’s a shoebox, but it came with the contract, so I took it gratefully. And just like my car, your legs are probably longer than this room. Can I get you anything to drink, water, iced tea, soda, a beer?”

Resting the Stetson on the back of the couch, John nodded and turned to me. “Oh, yes, I am thirsty, but I think I’ll be taking that drink now—” his hand reeled me like a fish on a line, and his mouth met mine.

His lips were soft yet firm, his hold on my body assured and possessive. He tasted of coffee and whiskey, hot, sweet, and so damn good, I wanted to kiss him all night. John’s hands circled my waist as the kiss turned deep and carnal, drawing my body against his. His hands then dipped to my thighs, lifting me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

Holding me firm, he kicked the door closed with a heel as he intensified the kiss. One of his hands traveled up my back and into my hair as he walked to the bedroom. The twin mattress was not much, but it was sturdy and would hold us just fine.

John kissed me like a parched man dying for water. The combination of his weight pressing down on me and the passion in his kiss made me shudder beneath him. He was so strong, so masculine, and I felt like a tiny little bauble under his hold.
