Page 66 of Healing the Heart

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Why did I feel we had just been played like fools?

I forced myself forward and went to John, unsure if I should touch him or not. “What the hell was that?”

John’s jaw was working as his fist flexed. “I don’t know, but I can smell the dead fish stinking to high heaven. Why did he come to me at all?”

“He was lying,” I said. “I never told her anything like that!”

“I know,” he replied, turning to Ben. “We have the camera’s on, right?”

“Yep,” Ben replied.

“Good, Micah and Dusty, go toNutterbuttersand ask about Miss Hernandez and Rayna. Ask them to pull receipts if they have to.”

“Yessir.” Dusty nodded, then turned to Micah, and the two went off.

“You ran into Maria?” Jack asked as he came forward, his brows knitting together in a frown. “Why?”

“I went to the bakery, and not two seconds later, she was there, so I asked her if she was following me, and she mocked me, calling me a, let me see if I can say this right,malparido,” I said. “I don’t even know what that means.”

“I do,” Carlos said, his face tight with horror. “In Argentina, where she’s from, it means a bastard, and it is one of the worst insults because it has another meaning like many Argentinian words do. It also means miscarriage. She’s literally saying you weren’t even worth being born.”

The air turned grim, and I turned to the car where Samantha still sat, but she was looking away from us. “Oh shit, Samantha.” My eyes flew to John. “She saw all of it.”

“I’ll get her,” he replied, striding to the car. “Ben, get that footage.”

While he went off, I thought of what would be best to do and say while John opened the door and lifted Samantha out. Cradling her in his arms, he carried her into the house while I, after shooting a look at the guys around us, followed them.

He carried Samantha to his office and sat her down while I closed the door behind us. “I’m so sorry you had to see that kiddo.”

Samantha’s eyes held deep confusion. “You keep saying it's not right to fight, but you punched him.”

“I know,” John replied, grief and strain lined his face. “I know I keep saying that, but sometimes, situations change. It’s never right to put your hands on anybody, but sometimes, it's called self-defense when someone strikes you first. You saw how Mr. West punched me first.”

“Yes, butwhy?” Samantha asked, her brows furrowing.

“Samantha, do you know why Rachel and Connie always argue in class?” I jumped in.

“Because they both want to be the smartest kids in the room,” Sam rolled her eyes. “Like we all don’t know.”

“Well, Mr. West is like that with your dad,” I explained. “They both work with livestock, and Mr. West doesn’t like your dad because your dad is more successful than he is.”

“Oh,” she said, then gave me a look. “But why doesn’t he likeyou?”

“Because Miss Everett is here with us,” John replied. “He does not like anyone who is here with us.”

Her gaze swung between us. “Does that mean me too?”

Sometimes we don’t give kids credit when credit is due.

John looked at me before he replied. “I didn’t want to say anything, Sam, because I know I can protect you, but now that you do know, I want you to be very careful, okay? No running off, and when you’re at school, don’t talk to strangers. Not even if they say I asked them to pick you up. The only person who will come for you and Harper are me, Uncle Ben, and Miss Everett.”

“I know it’s scary, Samantha,” I added. “But it’s true. I don’t think anything will happen, but we need you to be a big girl and be smart now.”

Samantha still looked worried, but she nodded anyhow. “Okay.”

“You know, we don’t have to go shopping now if you don’t want to,” I offered gently. “If what you saw a while ago was too troubling, we can do it tomorrow if you want?”

She considered it, then shook her head. “It’s all right. I want to go.”
