Page 139 of State of Denial

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“It’s because there are two people above you who are only a few years older than you and not going anywhere any time soon, so you got comfortable as one of the worker bees.”

“Yeah, that’s it. Exactly.”

“It’s good to be prepared for anything on this job so you can step up if needed. I’m glad Sam gave you the opportunity to run this case. It’s training you’ll be glad you have later.”

“I’m not sure I’d want to do this job without her with me every day.”

“I get that. I’m not sure I’d want to do it without her either. But—and this is a very bigbut—there may come a point when she can’t juggle everything. If something has to give, it won’t be her kids or the first lady gig, you know?”

“Yeah, that’s true. I just can’t imagine her anywhere but right in the middle of our squad, busting balls and pulling threads and getting shit done.”

“That’s where she wants to be, but sometimes life gets in the way of what you want and what you have to do.”

“You’re kind of freaking me out.”

“She’s not going anywhere any time soon. It’s just that we have to keep it real, you know? She’s the fucking first lady of the United States. I mean, in what world did that happen?”

“Sometimes I wake up in the morning and forget that happened. Then I remember, and it’s just so huge.”

“Imagine how they must feel,” Gonzo said as he darted between cars on the way back to HQ.

“I can’t. I’m flailing around trying to run a murder investigation. How in the world is someone we know well in charge of running thewhole country?”

“And with nothing but bullshit happening all around him.”

“Yeah, for real. I don’t know how he stands it.”

“This thing with the Joint Chiefs…” Gonzo said. “That’s a body blow in so many ways. That they would have the nerve to do such a thing is just disgusting.”

“It’s kind of scary to think that people hate him just for doing the job Nelson asked him to do if the worst should happen.”

“I know, especially since we know that if people just gave him a chance, he could be an amazing president. He’s already done such a great job so far.”

Freddie tried not to think too much about the enormous pressure his best friends were constantly under. It stressed him out to realize that so many people, who would never actually know them, hated them simply because of the office Nick now held.

Back at HQ, Freddie went to the computer to track down the license plate number of the Cortezes’ maroon SUV. Next, he searched for the marriage license for Pascal and Gia Cortez to get her maiden name and looked up the address of her parents in Hershey. Then he called the Derry Township Police Department, which served Hershey, Pennsylvania, to ask for a favor. “Can you please go by the house and see if this vehicle is in the driveway?” He rattled off the license plate number.

“Sure, will do. Hey, do you work with the first lady?”

“She’s our commander.”

“Wow. That must be interesting.”

“She’s the best cop I’ve ever worked with. Let me know what you find out?”

“Will do.”

Fifteen minutes later, the sergeant from Hershey called back. “Your car is there.”

“I’m sending some detectives to pick up the owners. Would you mind having someone keep a discreet eye on the car until we can get there? If they go anywhere, follow them.”

“What are they wanted for?”

“I’m not sure yet. It could be anything from nothing to mass murder.”

“Got it. We’ll put eyes on them. Please have your detectives get in touch before they approach them. We’ll provide backup.”

“Will do. Thanks very much for the assist.”
