Page 146 of State of Denial

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Freddie put his card on the desk and asked him to call if he thought of anything else.

“I will. I hope you find the person who did this to them.”

“We will,” Freddie said, channeling some of Sam’s inner confidence. “Thank you for your time.”

They left the office, joined the guard by the elevators and were escorted back to the security checkpoint, where they retrieved their weapons. When they were outside, Freddie glanced toward Gonzo. “Impressions?”

“I almost arrested him when he said Blanchet was found holding the gun.”

“Me, too,” Freddie said. “I was like, hello, slam dunk. And yet… I kind of believed him when he said he never could’ve harmed the kids.”

“Yeah, same. But I still want to take a closer look at him. That statement really sticks out. How could he or anyone have known the weapon was found near Marcel when we’ve never released that detail?”

“That’s a very good question.”

“You know,” Gonzo said, “I had a thought in there. Four women were on the lawsuit, but what if there were more of them than the ones suing him? I mean, if a guy like him does that to four women, what’s to say there aren’t a bunch of others out there?”

“How do we find them if there are more?”

“We put out an alert to his patients asking anyone who experienced irregularities in their dealings with him to come forward.”

“That’s a good idea,” Freddie said, wishing he’d thought of it. “I just keep coming back around to the same thing—how could it not involve someone who was allegedly violated by him?”

“Same. Nothing else, even the thing with the Cortezes, stands out to me the way that does as a possible motive for something like this. Like, I can see some infuriated patient or their partner thinking, ‘You ruined my chance to have kids, so I’ll take your kids from you.’ Maybe they made him watch them kill his kids.”

“I’ll talk to Public Affairs about putting out a request for info from other patients.”

“We should also talk to his office staff.”

“Let’s go do that now.”


Sam was reviewing the mountain of reports and documents associated with the case when she received a call from Scotty’s school.

“Mrs. Cappuano, we wanted to let you know we’re sending Scotty home with his detail because he has a fever.”

“Thank you for the call.”

“We hope he feels better soon.”

“Me, too.”

Sam slapped the phone closed and made an executive decision. She went to see Captain Malone.

“Hey, what’s up?”

“My kids are sick. I was going to work the afternoon, but now Scotty is on his way home, too. I’ve got some stuff I can do from there, but just telling you where I’ll be.”

“Thanks. I just got a call from Faith that a hearing has been scheduled to discuss recent developments in the Eric Davies case.”

“That’s good, I guess.”

“I’m meeting with the chief and McBride to come up with a plan to circumvent the media shitstorm this will create.”

“Good idea. Let me know if I can help.”

“We might want you to make the statement if you’re willing to let us use you shamelessly. People are so interested in you, and the feeling is that it might go down easier coming from you—someone who’s had your own tangles with Stahl.”
