Page 148 of State of Denial

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“That you do the right thing, no matter the fallout.”


“Thanks for that reminder. I have to run. Scotty’s detail is pulling up. Keep me posted.”

“I’ll text you later.”

Sam closed the phone and stepped outside with Skippy to welcome their boy home. She took one look at his pale, pinched face and could tell he was seriously under the weather.

“Hope you feel better, Scotty,” his lead agent, Debra, said.


“Thank you, Debra,” Sam said.

“No problem.”

Sam took his insanely heavy backpack from him and put her arm around his shoulders. “Not feeling so hot, huh?”

“I’m feeling crazy hot.”

“Just like the Littles.”

“What’re you doing here?”

“My kids are sick, so I came home.”

“I’m glad you’re here.”

Sam squeezed his shoulder. “Me, too.” There was nowhere else she’d rather be.

The Georgetown offices of Drs.Blanchet, McInerny and Harvey occupied the entire second floor of a building on M Street, above a row of exclusive boutiques.

“I wonder if anyone will be there with one doctor dead and the other two out of the office,” Freddie said.

“Someone still needs to deal with the patients.”

“I guess.”

When he discovered the door to the office locked, Freddie knocked.

A few minutes later, a woman with gray hair and wearing a headset opened the door. “Help you?”

They showed their badges.

“I’ll have to get back to you,” she said to the person on the phone as she removed the headset. “Come in. The phones are ringing off the hook with patients wanting to reschedule. Needless to say, having all three doctors out was unexpected. This whole thing was unexpected.” She brushed at tears as she said that. “I watched the Blanchet kids grow up. It’s unimaginable that they’re gone. Even days later, I’m in complete denial that this could’ve happened.”

She led them into a conference room and turned on the lights. “I’d offer you something to drink, but all I have is water.”

“We’re fine,” Freddie said. “I’m Detective Cruz. This is Sergeant Gonzales.”

“You work with the first lady.”

“We do. What’s your name?”

“Oh, sorry. I’m Nancy Lee, the office manager.”

“How long have you worked with Dr. Blanchet?”
