Page 160 of State of Denial

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He put his arms around her and rested his forehead on her shoulder. “I’ve asked so, so much of you. I wanted to give you time away from it all, just us.”

“We’ll have all the time in the world to run away together after this is over. Even though Eli and Candace were going to be here with them, I was feeling a little anxious about leaving the twins for a week when they’re just getting comfortable here.” Eli had agreed to come home for his spring break to stay with the kids while they were gone.

“I was, too.”

“So there’s that. We don’t have to miss our kids, and I wasn’t feeling right about taking off on a romantic trip when Ang is adjusting to widowhood.”

“Maybe it’s fortuitous that the Joint Chiefs stepped in to change our plans.”

“We aren’t giving them credit for anything. We hate them.”

He raised his head to meet her gaze, his eyes dancing with amusement. “Yes, we do, but enough about everyone who isn’t in this room.”


His lips found hers in a soft, sweet kiss that had her on tiptoes to get closer.

“First, we eat,” he said. “Then we play.”

“Why can’t we play first?”

“Because we’ll need energy to play.”

“Oh, good point, and I am rather hungry. What’s for dinner?”

“I asked the butlers to surprise us.”

“So, um, they were in here?”

“Nope. The meal was delivered to the door, and I brought it in.”

“Oh, good. They don’t need to know what we’re doing in here.”

“I think they know, babe.”

“No, they don’t, and that’s all we’re saying about it.”

“You don’t want poor Reginald imagining the first lady on her hands and knees—”

Sam put her hand over his mouth. “Say another word, and you’ll never see the first lady on her hands and knees again.”

“That’d be a terrible shame.” He cupped her ass with both hands. “That’s one of my favorite views in the whole wide world.”

“It’s wide, all right.”

“What’ve I told you about disparaging my wife’s sexy ass?”

“Let’s make it even bigger by having some dinner.” She lifted the catering lid off the plate to find filet mignon with tiny potatoes and asparagus. The scent made her mouth water. “Yum.”

Over dinner, he brought her up to date on the latest news about the Joint Chiefs. “Cox will announce tomorrow that they won’t be charged criminally.”

“Such bullshit.”

“It’s the right call if he lacks the evidence to go forward with it,” he said. “I’m telling myself it’s enough to see them dishonorably discharged from the military and hopefully denied their pensions, if we can even get that much without much evidence tying them to the plot.”

“I’m sure Cox would’ve loved to have charged them if he could’ve made the case. At any rate, it puts others on notice that they’re risking a cushy retirement by plotting to overthrow the government.”

“That it does.”
