Page 176 of State of Denial

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And he was eager to go to the hockey game, look for Isaiah and then get home to Elin, who was the only one who could make him forget another long, traumatic day on the job.

Collins Worthy made Nicolettawait an entire day before he graced her with his presence.

She was put in handcuffs and leg chains to be escorted by a deputy to a private room. As she walked into the room, she nearly stopped short at the sight of a drop-dead handsome man. He’d be described as a silver fox, with a deep tan and a sharp custom-made suit that hugged his well-honed physique.

Nicoletta’s mouth watered at the sight of him.

That had never happened before. She’d used men to suit her purposes since the minute she began to understand her power as a woman, back when she was still a teenager, and had never stopped manipulating them to suit her needs. Not once had she ever been truly attracted to one of them.

Until now.

And that had to happen when she was shackled and cuffed, wearing an orange jumpsuit with her hair a mess and her face devoid of makeup. She hoped the root touch-up she’d had last week was holding back the gray hair that’d started to appear right after she turned fifty.

Meeting a man who made her mouth water when she looked like something the cat had dragged home was another thing to blame on her bitch daughter-in-law.

“Have a seat,” Worthy said.

Nicoletta deeply resented the clanking of the chains as she made her way to the table, where a bottle of water had been set in front of her seat. She raised her cuffed hands to open the blessedly cold water and took greedy gulps. Ice-cold water was one of her favorite things. Living without that and so many other necessities since she’d been in this hellhole had been a nightmare. She shuddered to think how her face was holding up without her nightly mask to fight wrinkles and fine lines.

“Thank you for the water.”

“You’re welcome.” He took a seat across from her and folded his hands on the tabletop. “So, this is a fine mess you find yourself in.”

“Can you get me out of here?”

“I can sure as hell try, but first, I need you to be honest with me. Are you guilty of what you’re charged with?”

Nicoletta glanced at the cameras positioned in every corner of the room.

“They can see us, but not hear us. Anything you say in here is between us.”

“I, um…” Honesty was not her strong suit, but as she looked up, her gaze connecting with steely blue eyes that made her mouth water all over again, she decided to level with him. “I was running the escort service because older women have a right to love and affection, too. So many of them came to me after being widowed or unceremoniously dumped by their husbands. They wanted to get back out there, and they needed to make enough to survive. I saw it as a community service.”

As she spoke, he took notes with a fine-looking pen. Maybe a Montblanc. Her father had had one that he’d treasured.

“What about the money-laundering charges through the bar?”

“I’m a co-owner of Carl’s Place.”

“Which has a net yield of four million a year?”

“It’s a popular spot.”

He put down his pen and folded his hands again.

As she thought of those strong, capable hands sliding over her skin, she broke out in goose bumps.

“I’m going to be straight with you, Ms. Bernadino.”

“Please. Call me Nicoletta.”

“Nicoletta… You’re in a world of trouble here. The state prostitution charges are misdemeanors that can be easily pled out. However, no one believes that Carl’s Place makes four million a year. The feds have you—and Carl—nailed on felony racketeering charges, which is the most serious piece of the puzzle here.”

“Do you know who my son is?”

“Yes, I do, but he’s not going to help you. He’s made it clear that he has no relationship with you and never has.”

“That is not true! It’s his bitch of a wife that’s making him say that stuff. We’ve had a wonderful relationship since he was a little boy.”
