Page 18 of State of Denial

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A few, but we’ll make it worth it in the end.

Can’t wait.

Same. Love you. Stay tough.

Love you, too. I will.

When he tuned back in to what was happening in the briefing room, he heard Christina repeat the now-familiar refrain. “The president has no relationship with his mother, so no, he won’t take any calls from her.”

“No, I won’t.”

Nick used the remote to shut off the TV. He had better things to do than listen to any more of that nonsense.

Sam and Freddieemerged into frigid air that had her immediately on alert for ice. The last thing she needed was to fall on her newly mended hip.

Vernon held the door to the SUV for her.

Freddie got in on the other side and gave Vernon the address of where they needed to go.

“Send the others a text and tell them we’re meeting with Trulo at four. Everyone needs to be there.”


Sam watched the world go by through the polarized window. “What’s the latest with Nick’s mother?”

Freddie checked his phone. “Christina made a statement during the press briefing that’s gone viral.”

Sam wondered why he hadn’t mentioned it when they had texted. Probably because he was pretending that none of this was happening. And then it occurred to her. That was why Harry and Derek had been with him. Because they knew what this shit with his mother did to him. “What did she say?”

As Freddie read it to her, Sam burned with outrage and sadness for her husband, to have the troubled relationship with his mother trotted out for all the world to chew on. “I’m sick over this.”

“Christina did a good job of emphasizing what they mean when they say she’s not in his life.”

“Yes, she did, but it makes me so sad for him. Any time his mother resurfaces, it messes him up for days. He doesn’t have the time for that with everything else he’s got to think about.”

“I’m sorry she’s causing him more pain when she’s already caused more than enough.”

“For sure. It’s ridiculous how she continues to hurt him.” Sam withdrew the secure BlackBerry she used to contact him and sent a quick message.Heard about Christina’s statement. I like how she tried to shut down the questions, but I’m sorry you had to hear that recitation of all the ways SHE has failed you. SHE never deserved a son like you. WE love you. More than anything. See you soon.

She left the BlackBerry on her lap, hoping she’d hear from him, and forced her mind back to the case when all she wanted was to go to him. “Tell me about Kelly Goodson.”

“From what one of the other neighbors said, Liliana met Kelly when Eloise was a baby. Kelly’s son Mica is a few months older than Eloise, and the two have been best friends since they were babies.”

Sam ached at the thought of twelve-year-old Mica mourning the loss of his lifelong friend. Murder touched so many people beyond the victims’ immediate family.

Vernon double-parked in front of the Goodsons’ stately home. The driveway was full of cars, and every spot on the street was taken.

Sam took that to mean that the word was out about the murder of the family’s friends. She gazed at the house for a long time, working up the wherewithal to get out, go inside and intrude on yet another family’s time of sorrow. She did that all the time, so why was it taking so much out of her today?

“You want me to do this?” Freddie asked, tuning in to her odd mood.

“No, that’s okay.”


She looked over at him.

“You just went through an awful loss. No one would blame you if it’s too much for you right now.”
