Page 187 of State of Denial

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“That’s the kind of investigatory information that brings comfort to grieving family members.”

“I’ll do that. Thanks, Lindsey.”

“No problem. Interesting outcome to a perplexing case. You guys have a good rest of your day.”

“You, too, Lindsey.” Sam turned to Freddie. “It continues to amaze me that we can think we have the full picture of a situation at the outset, only to realize the reality is nothing like what we thought.”

“This looked like a slam-dunk murder-suicide.”

“Which is why we always investigate, because we’ve seen many a slam dunk fall apart upon further scrutiny.”

“That’s a fact,” Freddie said. “Should I let the women attached to the lawsuit know what we found, too?”

“I think so. It might bring them closure to know that the doctor they put so much faith in was sick, not deviant, even if that doesn’t lessen the horror of what happened to them. Would you like me to make those calls for you?”

“That’d be great.”

“Let’s get to it. I’ve got cousin-palooza tonight with my nieces and nephews. I can’t be late, or Nick might leave me.”

Freddie laughed as he went to make his calls.

Before she leftfor the day, Sam gathered her squad in the conference room. “This was a tough one,” she said. “Huge props to Detective Cruz for a job very well done.”

They embarrassed him with a round of applause.

“Thanks for all the support, guys,” Freddie said. “There’s no I in this team.”

“No, there isn’t,” Sam said, “and I want to thank you guys for stepping up when I needed to take a break. Knowing I have such great people working with me here makes the rest of my complicated life possible.”

“Complicated,” Gonzo said with a snicker. “Is that the word we’re using?”

Sam laughed along with the others. “Until we come up with a better word, that works. But listen, the main reason I wanted to meet with you is you’re all aware of what happened with my friend Shelby Hill the other day.”

They murmured their disbelief and concern for Shelby.

“She’s doing okay, but that incident and the one at Gigi’s home are a reminder of how quickly things can escalate, sometimes because of the many perils that come with our profession. We put people in jail, and often they blame us for that rather than taking responsibility for the consequences of their own actions. In addition to that, my new much-higher profile has put a target on you guys as a result of your association with me. I hate that, but it’s a fact of life for all of us. I’m surrounded by world-class security. The rest of you are not.”

She made eye contact with each of them. “I want you to take a closer look at the security arrangements at your homes. If they aren’t adequate, get them there. Do whatever you need to do to keep yourselves and your families safe.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Gonzo said for all of them.

“If there are any costs associated with beefed up security that are prohibitive for you, come to me,” Sam said. “I mean that. Please be extra vigilant in everything you do, on and off the job. Your safety is my top priority. That’s all I wanted to say. Have a good night, everyone, and thanks for all you do.”

“Thank you, Lieutenant,” Detective Charles said as she left the room.

The others followed her, until just Gonzo and Freddie were left.

“Was that okay?” Sam asked them.

“It was a good reminder that we need to be more careful,” Freddie said. “Our lease is up this fall. I’m going to look for something more secure.”

“Same,” Gonzo said.

“That’s good,” Sam said. “I’m glad to hear it. And while I have you both, I just want to say thank you again for the way you stepped up this week when I needed a minute to catch my breath. Knowing you guys are here when I can’t be makes all the difference.”

“We’re always here for you,” Gonzo said. “Like you are for us. That’s how family works.”

Freddie used his thumb to point at Gonzo. “What he said.”
