Page 190 of State of Denial

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“You think so?”

“I know so. They weren’t going to leave anyone alive in that house. Your video and testimony will help us get justice for your family.”

“That’s good, I guess.”

Sam put her business card on the table. “If you ever need anything—anything at all—I want you to call me.”

He gave her a curious look. “Why?”

“Because everyone could use a few extra friends. I want to see you make something of your life, Isaiah, to take the pain of your past and create a future that looks much different than your childhood.”

“That’d be cool.”

“You can do it. You need to finish high school and maybe go to college or trade school or do something that interests you. Anything is still possible if you want it badly enough.”

“It’s really okay if I call you?”

“It’s really okay.”

He offered a hint of a smile. “Thanks.”

“No problem. I have your number, too. I’ll be checking on you.”

“That’s cool.”

Sam stood to leave and offered him her hand. “It was nice to meet you, Isaiah.”

“You, too. Thanks for coming by.”

“My pleasure.”

On the way out, she said to the officer inside the door, “Take good care of him.”

“Will do, ma’am.”

Sam emerged from the house and zipped her coat.

Vernon held the back door for her.

“Let’s go home, Vernon.”

“Yes, ma’am.”


Sam arrived at home to madness in the residence.

Nick was timing races in the hallway with Alden, Aubrey, Jack, Ella, Abby and Ethan competing, with Noah trailing behind them on chubby toddler legs. When Nick saw Sam coming up the stairs, he warned her to watch out lest she be run over.

Jack let out a shriek and ran for her. “Bal-SAM-ic!”

Sam cracked up. “Good one, strait-JACK-et.”

His giggle made her day as she picked him up to squeeze him tight. “What’ve you been eating? You’re a load all of a sudden.” It pained her to realize she wouldn’t be able to pick him up for much longer.

“Mom says I’m having a growth spurt.”

“I’d say so.” She kissed his whole face as he screamed and tried to break free of her.
