Page 23 of State of Denial

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Nick realized he’d spaced out on her for yet another visit to a past he’d rather forget. “I think those matters and other areas affecting women, such as pay equity, would be an excellent use of your platform. The first lady and her team are working on similar issues.”

“I’m glad you agree, sir, and I hoped that perhaps the first lady and I might partner on some of these projects. If she’s willing, that is.”

“As you know, her time is very limited, but I’ll certainly mention to her your interest in partnering.”

“Thank you, sir. I won’t take any more of your time.”

He stood to walk her out. “I’ll look forward to meeting weekly. Jenn can get you on the schedule.”

“That sounds good. I want you to know that I’m here if there’s anything I can do to be of assistance to you. We don’t know each other very well, but hopefully that will change as we go forward, and you’ll come to know you can count on me to have your back. If there’s anything I can do for you, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

“Thank you for that. I appreciate it.”

“Very well. I’ll see you next week, if not before.”

“See you then.”

He closed the door and leaned his head against it for a long moment before he returned to his desk, packed up the briefing books he needed to go over before tomorrow and walked out the door to the Colonnade, nodding to the Marine positioned outside the door.

“Have a nice evening, Mr. President.”

“You do the same, Sergeant Potts.”

A radio crackled to life behind him. “POTUS on the move on the East Colonnade.”

His lead Secret Service agent, John Brantley Jr., was probably behind him. On many a day, he walked “home” with Brant. Today, he wanted to be alone with his troubled thoughts.

As he breathed in the fresh air and headed for the residence, he wondered what Gretchen, Sergeant Potts, Brant and the rest of America would think if they knew their president dissolved into emotional despair any time his mother resurfaced to remind him of all the pain she’d caused him. Apparently she wasn’t done yet.


They were still trying to locate the home of Dr. Rory McInerny, who’d recently moved. The office didn’t have his new address on file yet. Another call to the office, looking for the second partner, Dr. Oriana Harvey, had reached the practice’s answering service. “Dr. Harvey is out of the office for the rest of the week,” they were told. “Is there a message?”

“No message,” Freddie said as he ended the call.

“Do we have a home address for her?”

“Varnum Street, Northwest, in Petworth,” Freddie said so Vernon could hear him.

“Ugh, had to be way the fuck up there, huh?” Sam asked.

“Don’t shoot the messenger.”

She leaned forward to check the clock on the dashboard and saw it inching closer to three. “Nick will be a mess over this shit with his mother. I need to get home.”

“I can take care of Petworth if you want to go.”

“That’s okay. I’ll do this with you, and then we’ll get back to HQ for the meeting with Trulo.” Both he and Jeannie McBride had recently found themselves in unsafe situations by being alone with witnesses. Sam didn’t want him going anywhere alone after that. But she was seriously torn between what she needed to do and what she wanted to do, which was get home to Nick as soon as possible.

“How bad do you think this thing with his mother is going to be?” Freddie asked.

“Hard to say. Could be the tip of the iceberg, for all we know.”

Petite, with short dark hair, blue eyes and a serious expression, Dr. Oriana Harvey answered the door of her townhouse with a baby on her hip.

Sam and Freddie showed her their badges and introduced themselves.

She studied their badges and then stepped aside to admit them. “Come in.”
