Page 37 of State of Denial

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“Did he send you here?”

“No, ma’am. I don’t work for him. Well, technically, I do, but there’re a lot of layers of bureaucracy between him and me.”

“Do you knowher?”

“Who do you mean?”

“His bitch of a wife.”

“Yes, I know her. She’s a lovely person.”

“No, she isn’t. I know she’s behind all of this.”

“How so?”

“I don’t know, but I’m going to find out. When I do, I’m going to ruin her.”

“You’re not threatening the first lady, are you? Because, as you can probably assume, I’d have to do something about that as a federal agent. If you’re threatening her, that is.”

“I never threatened her, but don’t tell me she isn’t a hateful bitch.”

“Okay, I won’t.”

“You DC people are all in bed with each other. It wouldn’t surprise me if you told me you were having an affair with her.”

The handsome, sexy man became even more so when he smiled. “If you know anything about your son and his wife, it’s that neither of them is having an affair with anyone, because they’re madly in love with each other.”

Nicoletta couldn’t believe her gorgeous, smart, successful son had married a shrew like her. “What do you want, Agent Hill?”

“I was just checking on when you think your attorney might arrive.”

“I’m here.” A short, balding man in a cheap suit came rushing over to where Agent Hill stood. A man like him should never stand next to someone like Agent Hill. Looking at the two of them was like watching the sun eclipse the moon.

“I’m Roland Ducharme from the public defender’s office, Ms. Bernadino.” To the agent, he said, “May I have a moment alone with my client?”

“Of course,” Hill said. “I’ll be in the interrogation room when you’re ready. I’m sure you know the drill.”

“I do. We’ll be along shortly.”

After Agent Hill walked away, Roland glanced around to make sure no one who mattered would overhear him. “Ma’am, you’re in a heap of trouble.”

When Avery enteredthe room the police had assigned for his use, he sent a quick text to Shelby.Might be here overnight. Sorry.

No problem. We’ll be fine, but we’ll miss you.

I miss you guys, too. How are you feeling?

Big like a whale, heartburn so bad it’s like I’m on fire and the usual nightly flatulence.

I’m very sorry to miss that. I look forward to it all day.

Her laughter emojis made him smile.You’re sick in the head.

Love you and Noah. Tell him Daddy said good night.

I will. We love you, too.

I’ll call you when I get to a hotel.
