Page 69 of State of Denial

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“Sounds good. We’ll be ready.”

“Thank you.”

“My pleasure, ma’am.”

Sam left him with a playful scowl for the ma’am, which made her feel a hundred years old, even if she’d heard it every day since Nick became president. She walked toward her East Wing office, thinking that she probably should’ve told Lilia that she would be stopping by.

Oh well,she thought.Incoming…

The receptionist’seyes nearly popped out of her head when she saw Sam come into the suite. She stood so abruptly that she nearly spilled her coffee. “Mrs. Cappuano. How nice to see you!”

“You as well. Are you new?”

“I am. I’m Kaitlyn. It’s so nice to meet you.”

Sam shook her outstretched hand. “Likewise. I’m going to pop in to say hello to Lilia.”

“She’ll be thrilled to see you.”

“Hey, Sam,” Roni Connolly said as she came into the office.

Sam gave her friend a quick hug. “You look wonderful,” Sam said, noting that Roni’s pregnancy was starting to show.

“Thanks. Nothing fits anymore, but otherwise, I’m doing well.”

“I was going to say hi to Lilia. Want to join us?”

“Sure,” Roni said, following Sam to Lilia’s office.

Her chief of staff lit up with a surprised smile when she saw Sam, making Sam realize she needed to come by more often.

“Mrs. Cappuano,” Lilia said. “How nice to see you.”

“It’s Sam, and it’s nice to see you, too.”

Roni closed the door as Sam sat in one of Lilia’s plush visitor chairs. Everything Lilia touched was classy, even her office chairs.

“What brings you by on a workday?” Lilia asked.

“I’m taking a bit of time off,” Sam said. “Things have been intense lately.”

“Indeed,” Lilia said. “I’m glad you’re taking a break. How’s Angela?”

“Doing okay, I guess. Tracy and I are going there at lunchtime to check on her.”

“I think of her all the time,” Lilia said with a sigh.

“Me, too,” Roni said.

“Thank you. She’s lucky to be surrounded by an amazing group of family and friends.”

“Please let her know we’re thinking of her,” Lilia said.

“I will. So what goes on here?”

“We’re working on some social media posts for you and fielding media requests about the situation with Nick’s mother.”

“We have nothing to say about that,” Sam said.
