Page 94 of State of Denial

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“Oh my God, yes.” As he closed his eyes and threw his head back, Brooke knew there would never be anyone else for her but him. He was it. The one. The only one.

True to his word, this first time was quick, but he made sure she came before he took his own pleasure. He always put her first, which was another reason to love him.

“Damn,” he said after he had caught his breath. “That was amazing.” He was already getting hard again as he continued to move in her. “Best thing I’ve ever felt.”

“Me, too.”


“Hmm?” She opened her eyes to find him watching her in that intense way that reminded her of what he did for a living.

“I love you. I want everything with you. I know this has been crazy, and it’s probably too soon, but—”

Brooke put her hands on his face and kissed him. “I want everything with you, too. Of course I do. I love you.”

“I’ve never been happier than I am when I’m with you—and even when I’m not with you,” he said. “I just love knowing you’re in my life.”

“Same,” she said, smiling. “I have other news.” She’d planned to tell him over dinner, but couldn’t wait any longer. He knew she’d applied to Princeton, but not that she’d been accepted.

“What news?”

“I got accepted to Princeton for next year.”

He raised his head and stared at her. “Really?”

She nodded.

“That’s the best news I’ve had in years,” he said. “As of right now, I’m only there for another year. You’ve got two more years of school.”

“I know. I figure we’ll have next year together, and after that, we can get through my last year. As I say that, I realize I made a lot of presumptions for both of us, and maybe I shouldn’t have done that.”

He kissed her as tenderly as he ever had. “You made all the right presumptions. I can’t wait to be with you every day. You can move into my place there. If you want to, that is.”

“Would you want that?”

“God, yes, I’d want that. And let’s face it, it would be stupid for you to pay for housing when we’re going to want to be together all the time.”

“That’s true.”

“Eli is planning to stay at Princeton for the summer to do an internship and take some classes, so you can come up as soon as you finish this semester. Spend the summer. And with the twins settled into a great routine with the Cappuanos, he’s even talking about grad school.”

“That’d be amazing.”

“I didn’t think so until you shared your news. Now it’s the best idea he’s ever had.”

Brooke smiled at him. “Is this for real?”

“You bet it is.”

She rested her head on his chest as he wrapped her up in his love. Now they had even more to look forward to.

“McDougal has asked for a meeting,”Terry told Nick first thing the next morning.

“Need I ask why the Senate majority leader wants to see me?” Nick said. “Dare I guess all Joint Chiefs, all the time?”

“Something like that.”
