Page 96 of State of Denial

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Terry took a seat in the chair next to the Resolute Desk. “I’m sure it feels shitty, Nick, but you can’t get involved in it. You just can’t. This thing with the Joint Chiefs is enough of a body blow to your fledgling administration. The last thing we need is more press about the salacious charges facing your mother.”

“I know.” He glanced at Terry, feeling humiliated to need to have this conversation. “But let me ask you this… How will it play with mothers when she gets out of jail and tells the world that her son, the president, let her sit in jail because she couldn’t afford a decent attorney with all her assets frozen?”

“That’s a fair point, but I still say you steer clear. Hopefully, the mothers of America will empathize with the fact that she’s never had much to do with you and thus you owe her nothing. Hell, half of them are probably in love with you.”

“Stop. They are not.”

“Ah, yeah, they are. Lindsey tells me that every girlfriend she’s ever had from high school to college to medical school has reached out to ask if you’re as hot in person as you are on TV.”

“No way.”

“Swear to God,” Terry said with a chuckle. “We’re already coordinating with the Secret Service to make sure you’re not bothered by groupies at our wedding.”

“So much for trying to be a serious president.”

“You are a serious president, and over time, your actions in office will speak for themselves. Your record will speak for itself. It already is. The polling off the State of the Union is still outstanding. You set the perfect tone with the speech you wrote yourself.”

“I’ll take the good news where I can find it.”

“On another note, Derek and I were talking last night about Bora Bora.”

Nick sat up a little straighter. “What about it?”

“We, ah, think this might not be the time for you to jet off onAir Force Onefor a luxurious getaway in French Polynesia.”

Nick’s spirits took a nosedive, right when he’d thought they couldn’t go any lower. He’d been counting the minutes to his week with Sam away from the gilded cage of the White House. “Come on. That’s been planned for months. The Secret Service has already done the advance trip.”

“I know, but, Nick… The Joint Chiefs just got caught plotting to overthrow your administration. Everyone is on edge, and you don’t want to give them any more reason to question your commitment to the job.”

“I’m fully committed to the job.”

“You and I know that, but we think you should either postpone or cancel the trip.”

“Our anniversary is March twenty-sixth.”

“I know. I’m sorry to have to do this to you, but I think it’s prudent for you to stay close for the next little while.”

Nick groaned as he thought about breaking the news to Sam. “What about the trip to Europe?”

“Also on hold for the moment. We need to keep you right here, front and center, doing the job, being present.”

“I get it,” Nick said even as he boiled with rage that he’d never show Terry, who was only doing his job by sharing this advice. It was the right thing to do, but he didn’t have to like it. “You can notify the Secret Service and anyone else who needs to know that we won’t be going to Bora Bora after all.”

“You should probably talk to Sam first. Things get out even when we try to keep a lid on them.”

“Yeah, true. I’ll talk to her tonight. You can tell them tomorrow.”

He dreaded that conversation. They’d been counting down to the getaway for months and having to disappoint her was heartbreaking for him. He’d never hated this fucking job more than he did right then.

The desk phone intercom came to life. “I have Mr. Donnelly and Mrs. Gonzales here for you, Mr. President.”

“Please send them in.”

Trevor and Christina entered the room and came to join them in the chairs surrounding the desk.

“What’s up, guys?” Nick asked.

“Ruskin was all over the morning shows in full support of the Joint Chiefs’ efforts to save the country from an unelected president.” Trevor handed him printouts of the former secretary of State’s comments. “Per your request, we’ve come up with a statement telling the American people that Ruskin was removed from his post for engaging in inappropriate conduct while on an official diplomatic trip to Iran that put the lives of more than two dozen American citizens in jeopardy.”
