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I don’t tell him that my father would go along with it—would probably even be willing to work with the Reyes cartel. I’m still pissed with the time I wasted recovering what I did of the weapons. Instead, I shrug.

Pushing up, he stands. He offers me a card from his inner pocket. “If you could pass my number to him. I’ve killed all the phones and previous connections on the advice of Valdez.”

I take the card, remaining in my seat. There’s just his name and a cell phone number with a prefix for Mexico. “I’ll give it to him.”

With a final nod, he leaves. I study the card and pull my phone. I relay Mundo’s words.

My father is quiet for a few minutes. “I’ll back him. You are to do the same.”

“You’re certain he’s not lying.” I was sure he would back him. But I want him to think longer on it.

“No, but you are. That’s enough for me.” I’m wondering what he’s talking about. “You have your own tells,mijo.”

I’m annoyed when he simply hangs up. I don’t like the idea of having tells.

* * *


The envelope is taunting me. Open it and find out. It’s simple. I don’t know why I keep staring at it.

“Mija?” My mother is frowning at me across the table where we’re going over the last-minute plans for the wedding. “Are you all right?”

I’m nodding while I’m trying to figure out what to say. “Heat. It’s hot. I’m hot.”

With Colombia more than fourteen hundred miles above sea level it’s usually a moderate climate without extreme highs or lows. Medellin usually hovers around the mid-seventies, but we’re in a heat wave, and it’s eighty-five degrees today. I’d prefer to sit inside in the cool of air conditioning, but the children are in the pool.

She presses the bell on the table. Ana appears. “Some lemonade for me and water with lemons only for my daughter.”

I lose my smile. It’s fine. I’m fine. I didn’t need all the sugar in the lemonade—she’s told me a dozen times in the last week. Focusing on the envelope in my hands instead, I tear it open. “She’s coming. Ebba Pasio, Eddie’s mother, is coming. And she’s bringing Helena.”

Her mouth is pursed in distaste. “Awful people. Good. They’ll see an amazing wedding better than they could have ever given you.”

Putting the card face down, I nod absentmindedly, not daring to mention it’s supposed to be her and my father who are paying for the wedding. But my mother has never been one to let the truth get in the way of others getting their comeuppance against her. She often saw Ebba Pasio, a former model from Sweden, as looking down on her.

“They waited until the last minute. From the responses, it looks like the wives and daughters of the capos are coming here and the capos are going to Vegas, probably with their mistresses for fun.” My mother frowns as she looks over the list of RSVPs.

Considering the wedding is in only four days, she isn’t wrong about them waiting until the last minute. They aren’t the only ones though—my husband isn’t due home until tonight. I’m fighting every desire to scream the house down in frustration.

As frustrated as I am, Manuel is even more so. He was supposed to be home two days ago. Instead, Felix left an hour ago. Something about a ship hijacked.

I’m proud I didn’t show my disappointment when Joe told me. A good wife doesn’t show her displeasure, the long-ingrained lessons from my mother echoed in my mind. Thank god, because I was shocked when I heard there were more than thirty tons of cocaine on the ship. I don’t think my dad ever had more than thirty kilos of cocaine at any one time in his entire career as a capo.

The last thing Joe or Manuel need to hear is me complaining about missing my husband. There is always a price to pay for having a wedding the envy of women and a helicopter at your disposal, this is mine. Richer than god. No one handed them all that money, the work to get it meant time away from us.

I have to figure out if the cost of having all the things we do outweighs not having my husband home at night. As I study the engagement ring on my finger, I would hand it over without hesitation to have Manuel home every night. Except it’s not a decision I’m making for myself. His father and brother are relying on him. It’s why I didn’t dare say yes when Manuel offered to quit for me.

The offer shocked me. I’m not sure why it felt like a gut punch. It was an amazing offer. Men don’t walk away from power. Especially men in the underworld. Yes, if they tried, it would mean death for all the secrets they know but Manuel could. The only reason was because his father runs the cartel. Except, I don’t believe we would ever truly be free of the life. It might result in his death…. and that’s why it was a gut punch. He’s willing to take the chance if it made me happy.

“At least, if they’re leaving it until the last minute, they won’t be expecting us to host them. If I have to spend more than a few hours in their company, it would end with me asking your husband to hurt that witch.” My mother’s bitterness is showing.

Uncomfortable, I text the wedding planner with the new guests and their choice for the meal.

When Ana brings in my ice water with lemon, I thank her and ask for the menu for dinner tonight.

“Oh no, no. No pasta for dinner. Fish. She needs a clean diet. High in protein before the wedding. No simple carbs. Tell Chef.” My mother waves Ana away.

I nod when Ana looks at me for confirmation. Ana goes with a long look at my mother.
