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Oh god, he hits the back of my throat, and I gag, fighting to breathe. Two fingers pinch my nose, forcing my mouth open wider. I try to move, but the hand in my hair doesn’t allow me even an inch. No fucking way—he’s in my throat.

Tears stream down my face as he fucks my throat with punishing force. The fingers have disappeared from my nose, thank god. I can breathe, it’s the only thing I can do. He’s using me for his pleasure, and I’m going to hell for sure because I love it. I cling to his powerful thighs, struggling to stay upright.

“Your mouth looks so sweet. Yet your lips are wrapped around my cock like you can’t get enough. Do it, sunshine, slip your fingers into your dripping pussy and come for me.” It’s an order.

The words are barely out of his mouth before my fingers are slipping under my dress and inside me. It doesn’t take more than the slightest brush of my finger over my swollen clit for me to come hard.

Endless blue disappears as he closes his eyes, and his head falls back. Wrapping a hand around my throat, he moans softly. “I’m coming, swallow for me.”

I do as he orders, the thought of defying him never crossing my mind. He’s so long I don’t taste a thing as he comes—I’m shocked by my disappointment.

I blink, and his hands in my hair and around my throat are gone. And fuck me, I miss them both. They’re busy stuffing his still long and thick cock back into his jeans. I blink again, and I wouldn’t have thought he’d just fucked my mouth like he hated me two minutes ago. He’s unruffled and calm as he helps me to my feet.

“Good girl. You have done that before—” A car screeches into the parking garage.

Oh shit, it’s Franco, my guard. I lost him earlier tonight in order to meet with Josh. He slams to a stop in front of me and Manuel. Out of the car, he looks me over. “Jesus, Nicolette, your father is going to lose his shit. If I’m lucky, I’ll still be breathing this time tomorrow. Get your ass in the car, you fucking brat.”

Manuel moves in a blur. His left hand around Franco’s throat brings Franco who is at least four inches shorter than Manuel, who I’m guessing is around six foot three maybe four, up to meet his eye. “Your disrespect is why I’m going to kill you. Just so you know.”

The gun is in his right hand. He flicks the safety off with his thumb. “Please, don’t. Please. I’m begging you, don’t kill him.”

Turning his attention to me, a frown appears deep in his forehead. “Why do you think you deserve to be treated poorly? First, the dead boyfriend and now him. No one who disrespects you deserves to keep breathing air.”

I’m stunned by the pain the question twists up inside me. The words are pulled from me without permission. “When it’s all you know, any other way doesn’t seem any better just confusing.”

I shrug. “The devil you know and all that. Please, you can’t kill him. He has twin little girls who need him. His mother is a bitch of the highest order. She’ll ruin their lives if you kill him, and she raises them. I’m used to it. Franco’s been with my father since before I was born. He’s not mean the way some of my guards have been, and he always apologizes the next day when his Klonopin kicks in.”

It's clear he doesn’t want to, but he lets go of Franco so he can finally breathe, which he does with deep gasping drags.

“Get in the car, Nicolette.” He backs away from Manuel. I don’t miss the way his hand goes to his gun, but he doesn’t attempt to pull it. His eyes are fixed on Manuel.

I move on wooden legs. The hand is around my arm again. I’m so screwed—the touch almost sends me back to my knees. “I want to see you again.”

Shaking my head, I try to pull away. “I can’t. This didn’t happen. I never met you.”

His free hand goes into his back pocket and pulls out a thick white business card. All it has are two phone numbers, one with a Colombia prefix, the other with a Houston area code. “Call me on your own, Nicolette. Or I mention to your father that I met you and how.”

All the blood in my body sinks to my feet. Closing my hand around the card, I don’t have time to reply before Franco grabs my other arm and yanks me away from Manuel. I have no doubt I’m only dragged away because Manuel allows it.

Franco puts me in the car and goes around the back to stay as far away from Manuel as possible. He slams his car door closed, puts the car in reverse, then we squeal away, leaving Manuel standing watching us.

“I can’t fucking believe you. There are cops all over the alley behind the club you two were at. You know, the place where at least a hundred people saw you together. I could smell the gun powder on him, Nicolette. This is too damn far. What the hell is the matter with you?”

“How did you find me?” And why the hell hadn’t he found me sooner? I lost his ass several hours ago.

“You don’t wanna know.”

Fuck that. “Actually, I do. How the hell did you magically appear in the garage in a place I didn’t even know where we were?”

He shakes his head. “Fine. You have a tracker inside you. Since you got that cavity that wasn’t a cavity, around the time your dad signed the marriage contract for you and Eddie. The filling was a tracker. He was worried you might do something dumb at the prospect of marrying Eddie. It’s the only reason I let you get as far as you did. The feed from the police scanner caught my attention. Then I saw you head into the parking garage of the condo building. I couldn’t let you keep being stupid.”

Oh my god. My stomach twists painfully. “Does my dad know about Josh?”

“No, and you’re fucking lucky. I was trying to give you a little more freedom. On account I get shit’s hard, feeling like you’re caged in, and you miss your mom. But this boyfriend bullshit and sneaking out and having a job ends tonight.”

I want to argue, but my throat won’t let any words out.

“Do you have any idea who that was? Manuel Rodriguez. What were you doing with him? That little white boy Josh was nothing compared to a man like Manuel. If your father knew, he’d marry you to him, and you better fucking thank me for not telling him. You married to Manuel would be a match made in hell. If you survived.” His steady stream of foreboding and dire warnings runs until he chases me into the house.
