Page 26 of That First Date

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“What is this a second job interview?”

“Real funny. I know you mentioned becoming an agent. But like… where do you see yourself in say… five years?”

Avery sits back in her seat at my question as if she’s deep in through. Her hands go to her hair to give her ponytail another twirl. Her eyes meet mine in a silent battle of uncertainty.

“I don’t know how to answer that, Marc. Can I be serious for one minute?”

My hand lands on my chest with over dramatic shock. “You? Serious?”

She playfully swats at my arm. “Stop that. I’m being serious.”

“Okay.” I keep my voice steady and sincere. “Tell me.”

“Did you know that no one has ever asked me this before?”

I can’t help but stare at her. With every glance in her direction. With every look into those blue eyes. With every little laugh she lets out. With every word that comes out of her mouth.

I am completely terrified that my heart is going to fall for this girl.

Icannotfall for Avery Woods.

No one has ever asked me this question before.

Not my mom. Not my friends. Not a job interview.

The question takes me by surprise because I have never given my future much thought. I am certainly a fly by seat of my pants kind of girl. I go with the flow of life and where it decides to take me each day.

“If I had to look that far into my future,” I finally admit. “I would definitely see myself as a successful real estate agent. Doing something like you do.”

“My next question for you would have to be, why are you messing around as an assistant then?”

“I love being an assistant. I know that sounds like I’m downplaying my skills. I just have an insane obsession with organization. I will literally reorganize a friend's pantry if I go to their house and see that it’s a mess. No questions asked.”

That earns me a laugh from him. This date, or whatever you want to call it, has been the first time I have ever seen Marc laugh forrealand not be his normal grumpy self. It’s like a breath of fresh air. His laugh, and even his smile is hypnotizing. One could get lost in it if they were someone who was looking for a serious relationship.

“With that being said,” I continue. “I also love the idea of people finding their dream home. I feel like if I were an agent, I could bring people around to see the houses and help them visualize themselves in it. For example, I could show them where a couch would be so that they could see themselves sitting and sipping their coffees while watching the television hung on a particular wall.”

Marc simply nods but remains silent.

“That sounds dumb, doesn’t it?”

“Not at all,” he answers without an ounce of hesitation. “That right there is how you close the deal. You could be showing a multimillion-dollar home, and people will have reservations about spending that much money, despite them having plenty of it. Helping them visualize how they would live in the home, can really help them tip over the edge to say yes to the deal.”

“Hmm…” I take a sip of champagne. “So maybe my idea of becoming an agent isn’t so far-fetched?”

“Not one bit,” he assures me. “Outside of work, any big dreams?”

Is this how real dates go?

When I first stepped out of the car when I arrived at the restaurant with Fred, my stomach swarmed with nerves. Most of the surface level things, like do I look okay? Am I too dressed up? What will Marc think of my outfit?

But deep down inside, I was also worried about things that would come out of my mouth. I only have a small handful of friends because my mouth gets me in trouble. I’m a lot as a person. I will be the first to admit it. I don’t give a fuck what people think of me, so why do I care what he thinks of me?

It’s a completely new feeling for me.


“Sorry, I spaced out for a second,” I lie. “Big dreams, huh?”
