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Henry sent his mom an email. Then he typed out an email to Zander Zamora.

"My mom wrote up an Offer to Purchase for the DeWitt farm. I have attached it to this email. My parents are coming to town tonight and would like to see the farm. Will you be available to let us inside?"

He sent that off and closed his laptop. Rotating his head on his shoulders he wondered when he'd stop bouncing between excitement and worry. Sometimes he was so danged excited he could barely sit. Then others, he wondered how he'd do it all by himself. It was taking its toll on him. He hadn't slept in a couple of days because his brain kept rolling through all he had to do for the farm to get it up and running, and the stress settled in his shoulders and back.

He stood and stretched his back, arching back as far as he could and held until his muscles felt better.

Tucking his laptop into its case, he hefted the strap over his shoulder, and walked to the bank of windows in the waiting area of the lobby. This place was nice. He liked the old and new they'd mixed in the decorating. He didn't know much about that kind of stuff. He was going to lean heavily on his mom for that. At least she was good at it.

"I'm all set if you are."

He spun around at the sound of Everleigh's voice. "I am."

He held his hand out in front of him for her to precede him through the door.

She wore nice jeans, tan sneakers, and a white button-up blouse with little detailing on the collar. She looked casual but not too casual. Actually, she looked fantastic.

He hurried to the door of his truck and opened it for her. Her lips parted in the most beautiful smile he'd seen in years. It reminded him of sparkling diamonds. Her lips shined where she'd added some gloss and he noticed the hint of a dimple on her right cheek.

She jumped up into his truck with ease and he took a few deep breaths as he strode around his truck to get in. He deposited his laptop in the backseat before starting the truck.

"I take it you haven't been to Porter’s.”

Her cheeks tinted a soft pink and her soft smile hinted at a bit of shyness. "No. I have only been to the sheriff's department and your new farm besides the hotel."

"Okay. So, how about this?" He looked at his watch. "It's nearly four-thirty, which is a little early for Porter’s. So, to give them until five o'clock, how about I show you around town?"

"I'd love that." Her eyes settled on his and he was struck breathless.

He stopped his truck at the exit and pointed across the street.

"So, just across the street here is Divine Designs. Shianne Brown owns that store. She's Lara's best friend. She sells clothing, dresses, all that stuff."

"I'll have to stop in while I'm here."

Turning left from the parking lot, he pointed to the grocery store. "That's Paxton's. The only grocery in town. Next to Paxton's is Flynn's gas station. And next to Flynn's is the courthouse. Across from the courthouse is Homemade in the Hollow."

"Oh, I ordered supper from there last night. They delivered."

"They have good food."

She laughed. "And a lot of it. I couldn't finish my order."

He chuckled and turned onto First Street. "This is where the majority of the businesses are. So first on the right is the Paper Trail. That's Kenna's business."

"Kenna married one of your teammates, right?"

"Yes. Spencer."

"Next to Paper Trail is Smith Squared, a law office. Next to them is Stackable Reads, the bookstore, and library. Then Lara's Delights..."

"The best cookies I'll ever eat!"

He laughed. "Yes. I promise you that." He glanced at her smiling face and his heartbeat stuttered.

"What's Chestnut Grove? Looks to be furniture."

"Yes, it's furniture. Across the street to the left is Hairy Beards, the barber."
