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"These are the women of GHOST. My parents’ generation. They're here to pick the carcass of my house." He turned to look at her. "Our house."

"Oh. Okay." She inhaled a deep breath. "Are you giving it all away?"

"No. I think we go in first and really look at what's in there. If you want to keep something, say so. They will take anything else. And, in a way, it's beautiful because, look..." He pointed to buckets and rags and cleaning supplies as well as mops and brooms standing at the back of one of the trucks. "They'll clean for us too!"

She laughed and he joined her. They high-fived.

Once they'd exited the truck, Henry took her hand and pulled her forward. "Hello, everyone. I'll hug you all in a minute. But, first, I'd like to introduce you to Everleigh Hayes, who just finished successfully negotiating a peace deal with the BRR and the town of Glen Hollow."

Cheering. Clapping. Congratulations filled her head. Henry then pulled her forward, hugged the first woman closest to them and introduced her to them. "Sophie Turner is Tate's mom." She was wrapped in a hug before she could get her hand out to shake. And, she was proud of herself for not totally stiffening up. "Bridget Dunbar is Aidyn's mom."

Another set of arms wrapped her tightly. “Jax Sager is Maya and Myles’s mom." Jax hugged her then grinned. "We're huggers, girl. Get with us."

"I will. Thank you." Jax laughed and nudged their shoulders together. "It takes some getting used to."

"Isabella Masters is Addy's mom."

"It's nice to meet you."

Isabella wrapped her in a soft hug. "It's nice to meet you too."

Henry then clapped his hands to get attention. "Mom. What happened today?"

His mom stepped forward and hugged him. "I'm happy to hand you the keys to your new home." He took the keys, and his smile was beautiful. He held them up to her and winked. "And I'm in the middle of typing up your agreement with Case Evans on the purchase of seven horses, all the feed, the remaining hay in the barn and on the field. His hay baler, his plow, his disk, all the tack and supplies in his barn to go with the horses. The agreement will be signed later today."

He hugged his mom and spun her around. "Thanks for doing that. Did he give you trouble?"

"He blustered a bit. But I'm rather smart, and after about an hour of dealing with his shit, I called your dad in. You know his mad-mug look? That did it."

Henry's head flew back, and his laughter came straight up from his belly. He kissed his mom's cheek. He turned and grabbed her in both arms and spun her around. "Did you hear that? We have horses!"

"I did." She hugged him tightly and the women all began chatting away. When her feet hit the ground again, Henry then held her hand and addressed the women.

"Everleigh is staying. We're moving in together. She's going to rehab the horses. I'm working on the farm. I'm going to hire some folks from Hickory Hills to come down and help with the initial work since there's so much."

She was pulled and hugged all over again. The last hug though, was Roxanne who held her close and whispered in her ear. "I told you it would work out. Follow your heart."

"Thank you."

"Okay." Henry continued. "So, we have to change clothes. Mom has an agreement to draw up and then we have to go feed and water the horses before we can go to the house. Then, Everleigh and I will run through and pick and choose what items we want to keep, the rest will be up for grabs."

More cheers.

Two trucks with horse trailers pulled into the driveway and his dad and Tate jumped out. His dad shook his hand and hugged him.

"Congratulations, son. We thought we could move the horses over while you're busy doing everything else."

"That would be great, Dad." He glanced at her and then back to his dad. "You know they'll be a bit skittish because you're men."

"I figured that. But since you have to go and get them fed, we figured we'd go at that time and move them first, then feed them in their new home."

Henry shrugged. "I honestly don't know if the stalls are ready for them."

His dad chuckled and she realized how similar they sounded. "Tate, Spencer, Myles, and I were there all day fixing the stalls, tossing down new bedding and getting their troughs set up and ready."

"Oh god, Dad, that's just wonderful. Thank you so damned much."

He reached forward and hugged his dad. "We're so proud of you Henry, and we all want to help you out. What you're doing for those horses is wonderful."

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