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Henry chuckled. "Thanks Mom. I told him if I made an offer, it would be one hundred fifty thousand dollars."

"How much land is with the farm?"

"Eighty acres."

"Henry! That's an unbelievable price."

"I know. The barns are in need of repair. The house is livable. I'll certainly be asking you to come and help me decorate it. But, overall, I threw that number out never dreaming it would be accepted. I didn't even know Zander was taking it to Mr. DeWitt."

"Do you want Dad and I to come down and take a look? We'll make this offer contingent on approval from us. We'll come and look things over."

"I'd love for you to come and see it. To be honest, my heart has been hammering in my chest since I got Zander's call yesterday. First, I was in shock because I didn't actually make a verbal offer. But then, it became more of seeing myself living on the farm. Like you and Dad did. I want that for myself."

"Oh, honey. It's such a wonderful life and way to live. Especially with your job. My only wish is that it was closer to us."

He chuckled. "I know Mom. But I've grown to love Glen Hollow. Even with its issues right now, I see them coming together."

"Okay. Tell me the other things you want covered in this offer. I'll write it up and email it to you. Then, your dad and I will come down this evening."

"Thanks Mom. So, I want an inspection to ensure the plumbing is okay and the electrical. I'm guessing he hasn't maintained much of anything, but I want to know what I'm getting into. And, for his sake, Mr. DeWitt is an old man. I believe him to be harmless and lonely. So, I don't expect him to repair anything at that price, I just want to know what I'm stepping into. I want a full accounting that the taxes are paid and the utilities are paid as well. That's all I want him to cover. This is an incredible deal."

"It sure sounds like it. Anything else?"

"Closing in two weeks so I can get in and start to work on it. I think he's mostly moved into an assisted living place in town here, so it shouldn’t be a problem. "


"I can pay cash for it. Between what I've saved and the inheritance I received from Grandpa and Grandma's estate, thanks to you, I have enough."

"Okay. I'll call you in a while and email you the offer."

"Thanks, Mom. I love you."

"I love you too, Henry."

He hung up and the hard knot that had settled in his stomach around telling his parents he'd like to buy a place here was replaced with excitement and pride. He was actually going to do this. Now he had to tell his teammates. That seemed like the harder task, and yet, he was ready. He loved them all, but he was largely raised as a farm boy, who had special operative skills both bred into him, and drilled into him in the military. It was time he began to live the way he wanted. At thirty-one, it was time.

Exiting his truck, he swaggered toward the door to the sheriff's office. A car pulled into the lot as he neared the door. He turned as Mayor Winters alighted from his truck and edged toward him.

"Morning, Henry. How's it going in there?"

Henry shook his head and shrugged. "As you'd expect, I guess. Nothing more than note gathering at this point."

He pulled the door open and held it for the mayor, then followed him inside. They entered the conference room and his eyes sought Everleigh's as he did. She smiled and nodded, and it made him feel better.

The sheriff took care of the greetings. "Mayor Rayleigh Winters, this here is Everleigh Hayes."

Everleigh stood and reached across the table to shake hands with the mayor. Henry took the opportunity to take in her slim waist and the swell of her breasts. She was put together fine. He turned his head to glance out the windows across from him, so he didn't get caught staring. Again. As he thought on it, he'd been staring at her legs this morning when she frowned at him. Clearly thinking he was a typical male chauvinist. He felt bad about that. No wonder it had set her off.


Everleigh closed her notebook and tucked her pen into the penholder sewn into the side. She stood, her eyes swerving to see Henry watching her, then to the mayor, who stood and chuckled.

"I think this was productive. When do you meet with Craig and the Westons?"

"I'm hoping the day after tomorrow. That's my last question of the day. Who can set up that meeting?"

Sheriff Cranford got to his feet and tucked his fingers into his front pockets. "We can make that appointment for you. I have access to Gerard via a communications unit we've provided him with. What time and where do you want to meet them?"
