Page 5 of Sweet Clementine

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And I think I’ve figured it out.

I am missing my Daddy a lot.

But also, I am a woman who has never laid with a man in the way adult women do. Perry Praise was a great racecar driver, but he and Miss May did their very best to keep me away from boys. Heck, I went to an all girls high school.

Boys are trouble, he’d say.You stay here with me and I’ll take care of ya, Clem, he’d promise. And he did. He took such good care of me that I’m an eighteen year old woman learning basic life skills for the first time.

I’d feel silly if I didn’t love these three men teaching me things so much.

And I can’t help but wonder what else they could teach me.

I remember the hoards of beautiful women circling the pit after a race. Hands clinging to my Uncles’ forearms, breasts pushed up in their sundresses, giving bedroom eyes to ‘em. I know my Uncles have laid with women, made them scream out in pleasure, calling to God. I just know it. ‘Cause three men as built and hunky as them? It’s a given.

With Miss May gone, I think my mind’s going a little haywire. Because I went from being shy about wondering to ready to act. Ready to ask them what else they’re willing to teach me.

I pull on my favorite white sundress, and run my fingers through my hair after I let out my sleeping braid. Uncle Rhett said he thinks my wavy hair makes me look like a Grecian goddess. I don’t know what those look like, but I knew it was a compliment by the way his cheeks got flush.

It’s Saturday, so I know I’ll find them reading the paper, drinkin’ coffee on the porch. Collecting all the words I want, I store them on my tongue and head out.

My feet are bare, so they don’t hear me until the screen door slams closed. All three of their heads tip up, and I’m greeted by the most beautiful smiles.

“Mornin’ Clem,” Uncle Holden greets, his voice already getting me worked up.

“Good morning sunshine,” says Uncle Banks, that dimple in his cheek making a heartbeat appear right where I touch myself.

“Hello, sugar,” Uncle Rhett greets, lowering his mug to the table, my attention going to that big, strong hand of his.

Now’s the time, Clem. Go for it.

I lock my fingers together at my tailbone and give them my award winning smile, the one that Daddy could never say no to.

“Uncles,” I say, surprised by how little my voice rattles. I thought I’d be too nervous but it turns out, I’m braver than I knew. “Do you know how Miss May said y’all are here to help get me on my feet?”

I’m met with nods, each one of them slipping to the edge of their seat to pay attention to me. And that feels good. My nipples like it, too.

“We’re here to make you feel better, help you learn how to run the estate on your own so that when you’re ready to move on with your life, we can move back to our places and know you’ll be alright,” Uncle Holden says.

I smile at the three of them. “Right. But the truth is, Daddy left me his money. And I know you guys know that he was a very rich man. Which makes me a very rich woman. I plan on paying for everyone to keep working here– the chef, the lovely men who take care of the lawn and trees—everyone.” I take a breath, giving them a smile as I do. “What I really need as a woman is to be a woman in all ways. That was something Daddy could never give me anyway,” I say with a thick swallow. “But you three can.”

I look at Uncle Rhett first, and I see in his eyes he knows just what I’m talking about. Uncle Holden seems a bit more confused, his green eyes pinchin’ down on me like I’m a riddle to solve. Uncle Banks glances at Uncle Rhett, and when he does, all his confusion drains away.

“I want to be made a woman, but I also miss having someone to call Daddy. And that’s where you three come in.” I can’t believe those words came from me! Clementine Clark, the Southern Belle raised by the sweet and kind Perry Praise.

“I miss being Daddy’s good girl. I miss it so bad,” I say, my words getting moany all on their own. “But I also want to be made a woman. So I’m asking you, my favorite most handsome Uncles, to make me a woman. Make me your good girl, let me feel how a man loves a woman, let me feel all that thickness between your thighs deep inside my belly. Let me call you my Daddies, because I miss it so much.” I lick my lips and bat my eyes, because Miss May tells me that’s a sure fire way to get what you want with a man. “Please.”


“What?” Uncle Rhett rises from his rocker, seemingly confused. But my eyes fall to his crotch, and beneath those flannel pajama pants, there isnotmuch confusion. His hands drop to the large ridge, covering it as he says, “Sweet Clem, you’re going through something darlin’ and we know that. You’re… not thinkin’ straight.”

Uncle Banks gets to his feet too, and his hands fall straight to the spot between his legs, telling me he probably likes my idea as much as Uncle Rhett. Yet his words tell a different story. “Clem, sweetheart, you know we’re here to help you learn to run this estate. Even if you pay the gardener and keep the chef on, you still have other things to learn.That’swhy we’re here.”

I look at Uncle Holden. He’s still sitting, and his eyes are on mine as he slides back into the rocker, folding those strong arms over that broad chest of his. I don’t know how I didn’t see my Uncles for what they are until recently– massive, handsome men oozing sexuality and strength. I lick my lips and hold his bright blue eyes. “You’re gonna tell me the same, Uncle Holden? That I’m confused?” I tap my foot, and his eyes go to my toenails, painted a pretty fair pink.

He clears his throat and lets his eyes crawl up my body in a way I’ve never seen. I feel like he’s really seeing me for the first time, not as Sweet Little Clem, but as a woman. Darkness and hunger strangle his gaze when he finally takes my eyes with his again. “You don’t know what you’re asking for, Clem.”

When he gets to his feet, there’s a vibrating in my private place, and I know more than ever I was right to want this. Mybodywants this. I clutch my heart over my dress, because it’s beatin’ so wild. “All of me wants the three of you, and I promise y’all I’ve never been so sure.”

I step forward, and finally Uncle Holden gets to his feet, but he makes no attempt to cover his straining manhood. I don’t look away from it, either, because I need them to see thatI am a woman. A woman with needs.
