Page 14 of Fighting Her Wolves

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“River?” Ava asks. She slides her hand across my shoulders. “Are you okay?”

“You made these?” I ask.

“Yeah, I try to keep plenty around in case Harmony stops by. You know she loves her cookies.”

I snap my gaze to her, searching her expression for any sign that this is a joke. I find her honest confusion reassuring.

I pick up a cookie like it is gold. “Perfect,” I say. I shove the whole cookie in my mouth and moan.

“What do you do?” Bartlett interrupts my moment with Ava’s cookie.

“I work at a garage.” I pick another cookie from the pile.

“A garage,” he says distastefully.

“Yeah, I fix cars,” I reply. I turn to Ava and touch my thumb to her chin. “Thank you, that was the best cookie I’ve had in a very long time.” I lean in to kiss her lips gently. Her shocked gasp ghosts over my lips as I pull back. I would love to explore further without an audience. “I support myself very well.” Bartlett blinks, stumped for a reply.

“This is so much fun, but Bartlett, maybe you should go,” Ava suggests.

“Ava, we should talk seriously about Jason.”

“I don’t think we should. Jason will have to find another wife.” She stands abruptly. “The door is easy to find.”

“Wait.” Bartlett unfolds slowly from the chair. “Are you going to forgive me?”

“What you did is unforgivable,” she says, her voice shaking. “I want you to go.”

“Please, just give him a chance,” he begs. “You can’t think this man will love you and take you with your damage.” He waves his hand at me.

“Ava asked you to leave,” I growl, coming to my feet. “You don’t know shit about me, don’t assume to.”

“You have no idea, do you?” he asks. “You would change your mind if you did.”

“That’s enough,” Ava shouts. “Leave. Don’t come back.”

I’m missing part of the puzzle. Ava’s face is white as she stomps over to the door and opens it wide.

“Now, Bartlett. Our relationship is too damaged to be fixed. I don’t trust you.” She fights back the tears as she turns her head and stares outside blankly.

“I won’t stop trying,” Bartlett says as he stops beside her. He gets no reaction from her and walks out.

Ava slams the door. She stays against it with her hand resting on the wood. Her head drops. I let her have a moment to gather herself. Her pain seeps through the room, causing panic to flood me. I have to do something, so I rely on my charming, annoying personality.

“Do you know you smell like French toast?” I say, watching her straighten. “I love French toast. I love to chase, too, so I would advise you never to run from me.”

She faces me. She’s pissed.


Chapter Five


Why does River’s smug face have to be so handsome? His black hair falls over his wild eyes, staring at me with so much heat.

When I got home from my run, I punished myself for my dirty thoughts of the wolves by cleaning the tub. Everyone hates cleaning the bathtub. I put it off for weeks. I shouldn’t feel guilty for leaving when they asked me to stay, but I did. I wanted to take River up on his desire for a taste. It shook me.

While I was cursing and cleaning, of course, my brother had to show up. I don’t know why I can’t get rid of the sliver of compassion and love for him. The things he has done to me have scarred me for life.
