Page 40 of Fighting Her Wolves

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“You like it, darlin’?” Kerian’s rough voice reminds me I’ve been standing in a stupor.

“Wow, it’s unbelievable,” I say, looking back at him.

“I’m glad you think so. River and I put a lot of thought into the design.”

“You built this?” I was shocked. I can’t picture River not eating long enough to build a house.

“Yes, we wanted something that would be comfortable. River demanded that it be extravagant too.” He chuckles.

“It certainly is both. You did a wonderful job.” I run my hand down the bed. “Are you trying to reel me in, putting me in this room?”

“Like I said, not the plan, but if it helps . . .” He shrugs.

“Sneaky,” I mutter.

“Would you like to relax? I can let you know when River gets here.”

“Alright, that would be great. I’ll unpack and come down.” I smile.

He leaves silently, closing the door.

I throw myself onto the bed, groaning. I’m afraid they don’t need a fancy room to win me over.


I must have dozed off, spread eagle on the bed.

I wake to River’s voice shouting, “Honey, I’m home.” Kerian scolds him for being loud.

Sitting up, I rub my hands over my face. I’ll have to get used to waking up in an unfamiliar place; it doesn't matter how beautiful.

My boss was not happy I wasn’t coming back today. I told him I must have eaten some bad food at lunch to buy some time to decide what to do. Hearing I had that money changed everything. But until I have it in the bank, I have to work. I have vacation days saved up, so I took a few days off to regroup. On the list of things to do is find a lawyer. I don’t trust my brother, definitely not Jason, to tell me the whole story. I need to be careful, though as long as I’m never alone at work, I should be fine.

I take in the view, leaning on the window, contemplating what to do about the guys. Physically distancing myself is becoming harder. The more time I spend with them, the closer I want to be in every way. I could indulge in a sexual relationship until they deal with his uncle and I deal with my brother, but by then, I’m scared it will be too late to walk away. As much as I describe myself as an independent, self-satisfying woman, deep down, I want a loving relationship. I don’t believe I have to give up that side of myself to enjoy being with a man. Having two men as a package deal has never been something I thought could happen.

Them being shifters added so many other worries. So far, they haven’t shown me any different qualities from a human man. Okay, maybe the fact that I haven’t met a human that holds up to them is a clue.

Is the mate bond fueling their interest, despite my faults, or is it genuine?

“Cupcake,” River yells up the stairs.

“Coming,” I yell back, forgetting they would hear me if I whispered.

River is waiting at the bottom of the stairs eating a slice of pizza.

“So, I picked up pizza. I may have eaten a few slices in the car.” He steps to the side to let me pass. “I hope you like meat.”

“Did Kerian say something?” I ask suspiciously.

“No.” He tilted his head. “Why would he?”


“Are you talking about when you said you like your meat?” Kerian chuckles, getting plates from the cupboard.

“Shut up,” I hiss.

“What’s the big deal? We know you like meat,” River winks.
