Page 61 of Fighting Her Wolves

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“I feel her. If she were farther away, I wouldn’t feel her as strongly,” I say. Even though our bond is not complete, we have spent enough time with her to know she is still in the area.

“This is bullshit. I have to go out there again and look for myself. She has to be somewhere. How can Gill hide an organization that big?” River asks, desperate, echoing my thoughts.

“There is one way,” Bishop says softly. “He’s hiding it.”

“No shit, that’s the problem,” River shouts.

“He has someone helping him hide the place,” Bishop continues, ignoring River’s outburst.

“I don’t know why I didn’t realize it myself,” Ryker says to Bishop.

“Can someone let us in on the conversation here?” I growl, putting my hands on my hips.

“A witch. He has a witch on his side,” Bishop says.

“Why would a witch help?” Bash asks.

“My uncle must have something against her. They don’t usually socialize, so if she has someone she cares about in danger, she will do anything to keep them safe. Once a witch bonds with someone, they are loyal till death.” River runs his fingers through his hair in frustration. “How are we going to stop a witch?”

“We don’t know her level of power. Every witch has a specific talent, and only a few can do more than that. If she has multiple powers, she’ll be extremely dangerous,” Ryker explains. “She obviously can hide people and places. If we can get past the barrier, we will be able to see everything.”

“So, how can we do that?” I ask.

“Besides just stumbling upon it, we have to have another witch to show us the way,” Bishop says.

“Where the fuck are we going to find a witch? I haven’t heard of any close by.” I can’t hold this fury inside much longer.

“There has to be one,” River says.

“I can call in some favors; I can find one.” Bash finally looks at River. “I will do whatever I have to.” River nods at him, satisfied with his sacrifice.

“Me,” Serenity says quietly.

“No,” Ryker says firmly.

“Ryker, you know it’s the only way. Who knows how long it will take to find another?”

“You haven’t tested that theory yet. I won’t risk you or the baby.”

“I have to try. I would know if the baby is in danger,” she pleads.

“What are you talking about?” Bishop asks.

“When I became a vampire, other powers emerged. Witch powers,” she explains.

“Shit, I didn’t think of that,” River mumbles.

“But we don’t know the potential of her gifts,” Ryker argues.

“We think I have a witch somewhere in my family line. We haven’t wanted to delve into it more until the baby comes.” Serenity grabs Ryker’s arm. “Let me try. She’s my friend.”

“We need her to try,” River says, looking at Ryker pleadingly.

“Fine. We have to go by car. She can’t walk through the shadows. If there is any indication that it’s not working, or the baby is in danger, she stops,” he states.

“Agreed,” I say.

“We all go. We won’t know if they see us before we are in the barrier. We have to be prepared,” Bishop says, standing.
