Page 105 of Saving Her Vampire

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Dragons may not have the speed of vampires, but we have the ability to cloak ourselves. Penny can’t see me; no one can. My body becomes invisible. We have a lot of tricks that no one would ever expect. Mainly because there are so few of us left.

I reach for my phone and hit his name.


“How far away are you?” I ask.

“A day at most,” he says. “Are you with her?”

“I’m twenty steps behind her,” I confirm.

“Has she seen you?”

“Of course not,” I say, offended. “I know we’ve been apart for a long time, but you should know me better than that.”

“Sorry,” he rasps. “I’m just ready to be there.”

“I get it. I need you here too. Talking on the phone isn’t the same. We’ve missed your ugly face.”

He grunts. “Sure.”

“I can’t wait for you to see her,” I say.

“One more day.”

“Are we still meeting at the same place?” I ask, turning the corner to keep Penny within my sight.

“Yes,” he agrees. “I better go. I’ll see you tomorrow,” he says, eagerness coating his voice.

“Tomorrow. Fly safely.”

I stop and lean beside a booth. Penny is looking at the fruit. Her delicate hands are adorned with silver rings; they flash in the light as she puts the fruit in the bag she is carrying. I glance down at the numerous gold rings that I wear—we love to decorate our bodies in gold.

She has no idea what is coming for her. My dragon is looking through my eyes in admiration at our mate. He is ready to show off his scales to Penny; he can be a vain bastard.

I glance at the name on my phone. He’s been hiding too long. I thought he was delusional when he told me about his dream. I didn’t believe him until I smelled Penny’s scent on Marie. His dreams are never wrong, and I should have had faith.

My brother is going to love her.
