Page 76 of Learning to Walk

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“You made that decision very quickly.” He didn’t praise me for making the decision or even tell me I was his good boy, but I had a feeling that was deliberate.

No bad choices?

“Thank you, Sir.” Deciding that I liked the idea, I leaned back into Gareth’s embrace and felt even more relaxed as he hugged me tight.

He must’ve realized how much I liked it because he made a happy sound and kissed the side of my head. I’d always been frustrated at how much bigger he was than me, but now it felt perfect. Like I was supposed to fit against him and I’d been made perfectly for him.

Gareth liked cuddling and it wouldn’t surprise me if that translated into wanting to hold me on his lap. Before everything had changed, the images flashing through my head would’ve frustrated me but not any longer.

Bates seemed psychic because he waited until my brain slowed again to smile and take my hand. “You’re welcome. Now, Gareth is going to help you stand up and we’re going to head into the bedroom. You’re going to sit down on the edge of the bed closest to the door.”

The step-by-step instructions might’ve been overkill at any other time, but for our first scene, it brought everything into focus. Bates would make the decisions. All I had to do was follow directions and let him lead us.

I’d always understood the logic of why someone would want a Dom but walking through the emotions in live time was mind-blowing.

“Yes, Sir.” I didn’t have to do anything else…no thinking or worrying required.

Gareth realized that was a good thing for me because he simply stood up behind me and carefully helped me up before moving us back just enough for Bates to rise. Gareth seemed to like the instructions too because he felt relaxed and…content felt like the best way to describe it even if that wasn’t quite right.

“My good boys.” We each got a kiss before he nodded to Gareth, which seemed to be the silent order to start walking.

Gareth was quiet but as he led me toward the bedroom, he stroked my back and stayed close to me. Nothing about it said he was worried or anxious, though. He wasn’t even his chatty, oversharing self which was the oddest thing about the whole situation.

But there wasn’t enough time to overthink about that.

Before I could even come up with a reason why he was so quiet, we were at the bed, and I sat down where I had this morning. However, instead of feeling stressed and trying to hide, I felt like it was where I belonged.

What a difference a few hours could make.

When I was in place, I closed my eyes and let out a deep breath. All I had to do was wait and listen. No worries. Nothing to plan. I really hoped that wouldn’t be my favorite part of the scene, but I knew it’d probably be in my top five.

It’d been so long since nothing was my responsibility.

Somehow the random thoughts had me taking another deep breath. As I let the air out, I realized Bates had started wrapping the first cloth around my head.

He’d blindfolded me.

Gareth had done it to me a few times when we were kids but no one else ever had. I’d never even dated anyone I could’ve pictured giving that much control over to. That probably said more about the kind of guys I’d dated than it did about me, but I was amazed at how easy it felt with Bates and Gareth.


That might not have been the right word, but it seemed like a good one as Bates stroked a hand over my head and Gareth trailed his fingers over mine where my hands lay on my lap. It probably should’ve felt awkward at the very least, but it was just blissfully normal.

“That’s right.” Bates brushed his lips over my head. “I can see that you’re trying to relax and let us take care of you, and I’m so proud of you for that.”


As I worked at gathering up a few random brain cells to respond, Bates scattered them again by trailing his fingers down my chest and inching up the bottom of my shirt. I heard myself suck in a breath. Bates gave the barest pause before inching it higher and fingers caressed low on my stomach.

“He’s always looked good like that.” Gareth’s voice was quiet, almost a whisper. “I like it when his shirt rides up.”

He did?

The question stayed stuck in my head as Bates made a low, agreeing sound. “Just a tiny bit of temptation makes you want more.”

Gareth must’ve agreed because something made Bates chuckled, obviously pleased and sounding sexy. “Why don’t you give it a kiss? I bet you’d like that.”

