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For the record, I don't normally do this sort of thing.

Growing up, I was never the type to flirt with girls. I was always more focused on my grades and proving that I was the smartest person in the room. When it came to the opposite sex, I was way too reserved and nerdy for my own good.

Even as I got older, it never really changed.

I've always been so busy with work that I never had the time for a relationship. Women have always found me attractive. And sure, I've had a few flings. But nothing ever felt...right.

These days, all the women I meet are too young or too immature for me. And at forty-seven, I prefer women my own age. As cheesy as it sounds, if I'm going to settle down, I want something real. And it always feels like no one can give that to me.

But tonight, everything is different.

It's like I've been hit over the head, my cocky inner alpha male coming to life. And all I can see is...


Bash told me to close up early and head back to his place. But when Sylvia and her two friends walked into the bar, and she told me it was her birthday, I couldn't say no when they asked to stay for a drink.

There was something cute about Sylvia's shy smile and the blush that crept up her cheeks when she caught me staring at her.

Not that I could help it if I tried. The woman is fucking gorgeous.

She looks to be in her mid-forties and is wearing a tight black dress that shows off her curvy thighs and ample tits. Her sparkly heels make her legs look a mile long, and her curly brown hair frames her face perfectly.

And now, thanks to these adorable pink apron-shaped earrings she's wearing, I'm about two seconds away from hauling her into my lap and kissing the shit out of her.

"Got any plans later, birthday girl?" I whisper roughly in her ear.

Sylvia sucks in a breath, and a gorgeous blush blooms on her cheeks again. "Not really. But..." She bites her lower lip. "I sort of have an early morning tomorrow."

So do you, dumbass,I tell myself.

But then the words are tumbling out of my mouth before I can stop them. "What about tomorrow night? I'm busy in the morning but should be free after that. "

What am I evensayingright now?

I don't do this. I just met this woman.

She isn't wearing a ring, but that doesn't mean anything. I'm sure she has a boyfriend, or two lined up somewhere. And hell, even if she doesn't have a boyfriend, there are still countless reasons why this is a bad idea.

I'm only in Barton Beach for the weekend.

I have an early morning, too.

I need to focus on prepping for my meeting at Sugar Breeze tomorrow. My career literally depends on it.

But then Sylvia's cheeks get even pinker, and her eyes twinkle under the dim bar lights. "Tomorrow night could work. I should be off by five."

Even though I know this is probably the worst idea I've had in a while, I say, "Great. Let me grab my phone, and you can give me your number."

Reluctantly, I remove my hand from her face and step back. But I don't miss the little pout she makes when I let her go and the way her eyes linger on mine.

Fuck me.

My insides are humming with excitement, and I can't help the huge grin plastered on my face as I walk into the back office to grab my phone from Bash's desk.
