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Bash ignores my dig. "So, who is she? What's her name? Maybe I know her."

I eye him hesitantly. For some reason, telling my brother her name makes it feel more real.

"It's Sylvia."

The sound of her name sends another unfamiliar jolt through me. It's unsettling, but not in a bad way. It's like suddenly realizing you're on a roller coaster ride, and there's no getting off until it's over.

"Sylvia..." Bash repeats the name, playing with it in his mouth like a piece of chewing gum, and snaps his fingers as if that will help jog his memory. "Last name?"

"I don't know her last name."

He chuckles. "Playing fast and dirty, huh?"

"I've only met her once," I remind him.

"Well, is she hot?" Bash presses. "Tits? Ass?"

For some reason, the thought of my brother imaging Sylvia's body at all sends my blood pressure skyrocketing.

"None of your fucking business," I snap. A wave of possessiveness surges through me for the second time tonight, and I shove Bash so hard that he falls off the couch.

"Whoa, relax," Bash laughs as he sits up with his palms in the air. "I'm not about to hit on your girl." He eyes me curiously as he brushes off his shorts. "Damn, you must have it bad."

I feel off. Something is brewing inside me. Electric. Buzzing. It takes me a moment to realize what it is.

Strangely, it's excitement.

I'm not much of a romantic. Like Bash said, I've never held onto relationships for very long. I've always been so focused on my work that keeping things intimate and healthy with a woman has just been secondary on my list of priorities. I always thought that would come later. Once I was successful enough and gained enough clout, I would be worthy of the perfect woman. I could give her everything her heart desired. I could give her the world because I would own a good portion of it.

Bash finally breaks the silence. His voice is deeper. Contemplative. "You want to know something weird?"

I sigh. "What, Bash?"

"I'm pretty sure that was the owner's actual name."

"The owner of what? Sugar Breeze?"

He nods. "Yeah. Sylvia. Her name was Sylvia."

* * *

I stayin Bash's guest room that night. And as I lay in the dark, sleep takes its sweet time coming.

Slipping out of bed, I move as carefully as I can across the squeaking floor to my briefcase and pull out my files on Denise Lawson once again. I set the papers down on the desk and turn on the little lamp to see what I'm doing.

For the hundredth time today, I mull over my papers, taking in every word and memorizing it like I'm a university student struggling to study for finals.

And in a way, I am.

Harris, my supervisor, made the whole situation very clear when he handed me the files a few days ago.

"Your name has come up during our meetings, you know," he said casually, leaning back in his glossy leather chair. Sitting behind his elaborate, expensive company desk. "You've shown great promise after all you've done with the Simon account."

"I do my best," I said politely, though I could feel my hands gripping the lining of my pockets as anticipation zipped through me.

He gave a closed-mouth smile. "Yes. You do. That's what we need with Sugar Breeze. This one won't be easy, Cooper. Our client has been trying to get the current owner to sell for a year now, but she refuses to do it. Inherited it from her mother, so I'm sure it's got sentimental value. 'Your best' is exactly what is needed."

He grinned again as he repeated my phrase. "You've worked here a long time, haven't you?" he asked.

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