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"I was wondering if you could loan me some money."

I bite my lip as my insides become a jittering, nervous mess. I can't believe I actually asked him that.

As I open my mouth to take it back, he responds: "You're having money problems?"

"Yeah," I say roughly. "For a while now. I just need enough to cover some maintenance we're having done today and to help cover rent for this month."

He pauses again, and the silence is unbearable.

"How'd you pay last month's rent?" He asks slowly.

I wince. "Well, um… sales were just better last month," I lie. "But this month has been slow. And I had to pay for the air conditioning to be fixed last week. And the week before that, I had to get one of the windows replaced. And the week before that—"

"Okay, okay, I get it." He sighs. "Sounds like things have been crazy for you."

"They have. But I have a really big job coming up that should fix everything. It would be nice to have some help covering everything until then. I would pay you back by August at least. I promise."

"Denise…. I'm sorry. I really am. But I can't."


"I've got two houses stuck in renovation hell," he continues, "and three more places on the market. And I'm sure you've heard how the housing market has been swirling down the crapper lately. I'm sorry, but… I just can't do it. Jaime's got lacrosse gear we gotta keep buying because she's been having growth spurts left and right, and Jane's school has her in this intense biology program that needs her to buy all these expensive textbooks."

I pinch the bridge of my nose. “I get it. You have put your family first."

"That's right," he says. "I do."

I rub the space between my eyebrows with my fingers, trying to smooth out the wrinkle I know has formed there. The stress of the past year has been bad for my wrinkles in particular, and while none of this is the fault of Austin or his frugalness, I can't help but feel very let down by his answer.

"Thanks for hearing me out," I say quickly. "But I have to get going. It was so nice to talk to you. Let's talk more often, okay?"

"Sure thing."



When I arrive at Bash’s condo the next day, Brett is already waiting for me in the lobby.

He struts over to me, and though his clothes are far more casual today I can already tell it's going to be a problem.

He’s wearing dark washed jeans and a fitted grey shirt that shows off his rippling muscles. I force myself to keep my eyes on his face, refusing to get distracted.

Brett smirks as he eyes the bulging bags that I'm carrying.

"Sorry if I wasn't clear,” he says in a teasing voice. “We're using my brother's kitchen. You didn't need to bring your own.”

"Everything but the kitchen sink," I say, playing into his joke.

He holds out a hand to take the bags from his driver.

"Thanks, Mar," he says. “And feel free to take the afternoon off. Just make sure to return around five to take Denise home."

The driver nods and turns back around to head to his car.

Brett gives me another big grin. "You ready for this?" he asks.

"Of course.”
