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"Ofcourse," she parrots.

"And even though that relationship didn't turn out that great in the end… at the beginning, he told me I was beautiful. He told me that he wanted me. But with Brett, I just feel… confused. I just want him to tell me outright how he feels. I don't have time to dance around anymore. Either he wants me, or he doesn't. It's his choice. And he better make it fast."

My phone chimes, and I peek at the incoming message. "Hang on a second," I say, quickly gathering up my phone from the counter. "I just got a text from Tinsley."

"Oooooh," Lisa sings. "What does it say?!"

I start to read Tinsley's text out loud.

Hey Denise! I'm throwing a party this Friday, and I want you to come!' Then there's a sparkle emoji. And then she says, 'You can bring something from the bakery if you want, but you don't have to. I just want you to meet everyone else who's working on the wedding!'

"Oh my gosh, Denise! Text her back and tell her you're going!"

"I don't know, Lisa…"

Lisa's voice suddenly gets serious. "Denise.Take her offer. I know you're not a party person, so that's why I'mtellingyou that you need to suck it up and go."

I slip my shirt over my shoulders. "Are you sure this isn't just something you want? Like, you want me to go to her party and get some kind of scoop on her for you?"

"I'm not gonna lie," she says, "I wouldn't say no to some juicy gossip if you happened to come across some."


"But I'm just thinking about your business, Denise. Things have been kind of falling apart at the Sugar Breeze lately. Wouldn't it be great if you had a bunch of rich celebrity friends? If they all start buying cakes from you, you'll be set for the rest of your life!"

I bite my lip, knowing that she's right. It can only help my business relationship with Tinsley to spend more time with her.

"Fine. I guess I'll have to find another dress," I say. And right on cue, Lisa squeals.

* * *

The restof the morning goes smoothly at the Sugar Breeze Bakery.

Other than giving a customer a raisin muffin when she'd ordered blueberry (she'd been very nice about it, though) and a dropped plate of cookies behind the counter, things are going about as smoothly as they can for me.

All my unsettled feelings from last night are starting to slip away, replaced by an edge of confidence. Maybe Iamstarting to finally get the hang of this.

Finding a quiet moment between customers, I pull Brittany aside and show her the messages from Tinsley.

Once she's done reading, her eyes flash up to meet mine, shining and electrified.

"Denise?!" she shrieks. I gesture for her to quiet down so we don't bother any of the customers at the tables just trying to enjoy their desserts. "We're really going to a party with—" Then, as if remembering she's supposed to keep this a secret, she lowers her voice and says, "Withyou-know-who?"

"Oh," I say. "I mean, I'll ask if you can come, but she didn't say if I was allowed to bring a plus one."

"Please!" Brittany grabs my sleeve with both hands and tugs on it, begging like I've never seen her beg before. "If I get to go to one of herparties?All my friends will worship me! You have no idea how jealous they'll be, Denise!"

Shaking her off, I let out a laugh. "Alright, Brittany. I'll ask her."

Brittany thanks me again before scampering off to bring more donuts from the kitchen.

I send a quick text back to Tinsley, asking if I can bring someone with me.

Unfortunately, I should have included who I meant before I sent it.

Of course, you can bring Brett!Her reply says a minute later.You two make such a cute couple!

Then she sends me a swarm of heart-eyed emojis, and I blush, frantically typing another text.
