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Wrapping an arm around my shoulders, Sheila squeezes me against her. "Look at us," she says, her eyes switching between us in the mirror. "We got a Madonna and now an Audrey Hepburn." She plants a big kiss on my cheek, and I brush her off, failing to hold back my giggles.

As we head into the living room to make sure my purse is together, there's a knock at the front door. I stop short and glance at Sheila.

"Were you expecting someone?" she asks quietly. I shake my head.

Tip-toeing to the door, I carefully peek through the peephole. Shocked, I throw a hand over my mouth.

"It's Brett!" I whisper. "What the hell is he doing here?"

"I thought he went back to Houston?" she hisses back. "That's what your text said!"

Brett knocks again, his knuckles rapping the door directly behind my head, and I jump. "Hedid!"

"Well…." Hardening her jaw, Sheila suddenly straightens her posture. "Move so I can let him in."


She struts over, waving me out of her way. "If he rings the doorbell, he'll wake Peter," she says simply.

Stepping back to let her pass, I realize how lightheaded I feel.

What is Brett doing here?

He callously rejects me after days of back and forth and then just expects to come to my house like everything's fine?

No. I refuse to put up with this. Men always think they can get away with their dumbest behaviors. It's time they learned the consequences.

I grasp Sheila's wrist to stop her. "Actually," I say, "let me get it."

There must be a look in my eyes because she immediately nods. "Maybe you two should talk outside. If there's going to be fighting, I don't want it to wake the baby."

"Fine. I'll just be a few minutes."

Turning around, I grab the handle and twist it. As the door swings open, Brett's eyes land on me, and he releases a breath he's apparently been holding.

"Denise," he says, relief filling his face. Despite his obvious exhaustion, his blue eyes are intense on mine, his brow low with determination.

"What are you—?" I start to ask. But as his lips suddenly crash against mine.

In an instant, his arms find my waist, tugging me against his chest. Then his lips press into mine, silencing me as he kisses me.

Caught by surprise, I put my hands on his shoulders as if to push him off. But as his lips move against mine, I feel my resistance slip away.

This is all I wanted after our dinner date. This is everything I've been wanting from him.

Well… not everything…. And as I feel his warm body, his chest pressed against my breasts, I remember the other things I want from him too….

I don't know how long our kiss lasts. But all too quickly, it's over.

As his mouth leaves mine, his eyes stare into me once again, intense. Passionate. Full of overwhelming desire. My mouth hangs open. I'm completely caught by surprise.

"I've been waiting to do that," he says between pants, "since the first moment I laid eyes on you."

My body shivers at his words. But by sheer stubbornness, I keep myself together.

"Brett, what are you doing here?" I ask. "Shouldn't you be off in some other city lusting after some other girl?"

He frowns, obviously taken aback by my response to his kiss. "I don't know what you're talking about."
