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But he just chuckles. "As much as I would like to do this—and believe me, I would," he says, stroking my side and making me shiver. "We should probably get ready for the day. Let me make you breakfast."

I sigh. "I guess so. Curse this human body and its need for food."

Brett chuckles again, harder this time, and a thrill runs through me. I like it when I make him laugh. "How do you like your coffee?"

"Splash of cream, two sugars."

"Okay. I'll go get some brewing." He leans down and plants a kiss on my lips. "Meet you there?"

Giving me one last peck on the lips, he rolls over and out of bed. My disappointment at his absence doesn't last long, though, because as soon as he stands, I realize he's still very naked.

I must make some kind of noise at the sight of him because he turns around, wearing an amused expression.

"Doing okay over there, beautiful?"

For a second, I don't answer. Instead, my eyes devour every inch of him. Even without the raw sexual heat of last night, he looks fantastic.

Feeling myself flush again, I give him a teasing smirk. "Yep, just admiring the view."

He chuckles and shakes his head before disappearing downstairs.

I head into the bathroom and realize I look an absolute mess. My curls from yesterday are long gone, lost in the heat of the moment and the shower afterward. What's left in their place is the haphazard look of slept-on wet hair. I do my best to tame it and eventually settle on rolling it into its usual clip. Then, I slip on a robe and head out to the kitchen.

As soon as I open my bedroom door, the smell of freshly brewed coffee nuzzles my nose. I follow it to find Brett standing at the coffee maker. He's wearing his boxers, but fortunately for me, his chest and legs are still bare.

Wordlessly, I start to cook us some breakfast. Eggs and toast, nothing special. We sit on the stools along the kitchen island as we eat, and he asks me about the Sugar Breeze. "Do you have work today?"

I look down at my plate. "Technically, yes."

He takes another bite of his eggs. "Why did I sense a 'but' there?"

"Because I was thinking of adding one. I usually don't take days off. Not even Saturdays. Things have been so crazy at the Sugar Breeze that leaving someone else in charge doesn't make sense. As capable as Brittany is, I don't want her to deal with any disasters alone. But today I don't want to go."

"Ever consider that you're the one causing the disasters?" He grins down at me, his cheek full of toast.

I nudge him in the side. "Very funny." However, I can't keep my lips from twitching into a small smile.

Swallowing, he laughs. "Brittany adores you. She's a little goofy and too flirty for her own good. But from what I've seen, she's pretty capable." His blue eyes stare into mine, pensive again. "As a bit of a workaholic myself, I'm not suggesting you just skip out on work completely. But have you ever tried taking some time off?"

"Is that what you're doing?" I ask him. "Taking some time off?"

"Actually, no." He gestures to his wonderful half-naked form. "What you're looking at is a man working from home."

I laugh. "Obviously. How could I not see that?" After chewing and swallowing another bite, I ask, "So what is it that you do you do for work anyway? What kind of work brings a man out to Barton Beach?"

"Investments." His tone is suddenly flat. "I manage people's accounts, make sure they're putting their money into the right ideas and places. That's how I know Tinsley Simon. Hers is one of my more notable accounts."

Setting my fork down against the plate, I take a moment to process this. "That makes sense. So that's what you were out here working on?"

His eyes stray back down to his eggs. "Kind of," he says. "I was here on behalf of a client to check out a business they wanted to acquire."

"Your brother's bar?" I tease.

He cracks a smile again. "You know, he thought that too."

"Is that why you're back? To finish the job?"

"No. That job is finished." There's a hard edge of finality to his tone. "I'm working on something else now. It's similar, but I should be able to do it all remotely."
