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"I love you too, Denise. Always."

The next song starts, and while this one is a little more upbeat, intended more for the younger guests to come out and jam to, I don't let Brett go. I don't stop my waltz with him. It's like a dream, like the end of the fairytale cartoons from my childhood. The happily ever after I've always wanted. In his arms, I am a princess. I could stay here forever with him.

And that's the moment I hear a voice from behind me. A voice I did not expect to hear at all tonight.

"Hello, Denise."

Confused, I peel my cheek from Brett's chest, turning around to find my brother standing behind me.

"Austin?" I ask. For a moment, I'm excited to see him. It's been so long since I've seen him in person. It's like having my whole family together in one place again.

But as I try to pull away from Brett, his strong arms keep me pinned in place, a growl forming in the base of his throat.

"Brett?" I ask. "What's going on? This is my brother, Austin. The one I told you about."

"Oh, so you twodoknow each other," Austin sneers, an unreadable expression on his face. "You were justplayingignorant. Somehow, I think that's even worse."

Brett growls again, his arms tightening around me even more as his muscles tense up. Like a lion preparing to pounce. But still, he's not saying anything.

"Austin, what are you talking about?" I ask for him. "This is my boyfriend, Brett. You must be mistaking him for someone else."

"I can assure you that there's been no mistake, Denise," Austin insists. Squaring his shoulders, he says, "Brett James Cooper. Twin brother Sebastian Cooper. Forty-seven years old. Lives in Houston. Works for WestRock. Just made partner—"

"What are you doing?" My head is spinning. I can't make any sense of what is happening. And while Brett is frozen in rage, he's not helping the situation one bit.

"Wait, I have one more," Austin says, holding up a finger. "He's also done wonderful work for a little place called Better Horizons Realty."

A sliver of relief cracks through my nerves. "Oh. He does some of your accounts. That's how you know each other. That makes sense."

But Austin's grin only grows. "I guess that's one way to put it."

Suddenly, Brittany appears from behind Austin. Her eyes grow wide with shock as they flick back and forth between me and my brother.

"Hey, gorgeous," Austin purrs as he pulls Brittany close. "I was wondering where you went."

And then, without warning, he kisses her on the lips. While she still looks nervous, she leans into his mouth, enjoying it.

Twisting against Brett's grip again, I nearly shout, "Brett, let go of me!" He does as I ask, and I take a couple steps away, trying desperately to catch my breath. I'm so confused I feel dizzy.

"What the actual fuck is going on?" I demand.

Austin shrugs. "Brittany answered the phone at Sugar Breeze one day, and we started chatting." Then he smirks. "I guess you could say the rest is history."

At this point, I feel almost sick. "Austin, you'remarried. Does Jessica know about this?"

"She and I have an arrangement. She lets me do what I want as long as I don't embarrass her. Brittany and I had a wonderful time with Brett the other night, as a matter of fact."

"Shut up," Brett growls, the first words he's said this entire time. "Shut up, you asshole."

"What?" I ask, whipping my head between the two of them. "What's he talking about?"

"It was Brett's party, actually," Austin says. "You know, the one to celebrate him becoming a partner at his company? He didn't invite you? That's strange. All the men are supposed to bring their wives and girlfriends. It's tradition. Who did you bring instead, Cooper?"

"Shut. Up," Brett says. A vein is popping in his neck.

"Oh, that's right. You brought your brother. Sebastian. Boy, what a strange choice."

I look up at Brett, another wave of nausea crashing through me. He didn't even tell me there was a party. But, even as the thought goes through my mind, I realize that's not the strangest thing that Austin just said.
