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Chris’s eyes move from me to Maverick. His brows crease.

My hands grip my chair’s armrests. “Thank you, but I do think all his ideas are great. However, I can add to the idea pile if you want.”

“Please do.” He has an annoying smirk on his face, eyes lit with curiosity.

“Maybe we can incorporate more incentives to call more attendees. For example, if, as the CEO, you were advertised as a keynote speaker, it’d create a noticeable buzz. It could be a way to show everyone where you plan to take the company and address major questions people have regarding the company’s direction and goals. It would serve the dual purpose of calming down your employees and attracting potential investors.”

“That’s actually a great idea,” he says enthusiastically.

I’m stunned. And the smile on his face is doing things to me. Damn him.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can tell that Chris is frowning at us, as if watching a tennis match, his eyes go from one to the other and his gears are turning. I can’t face him, because if I do, I know I’ll give myself away, so I keep my eyes on Maverick.

“The fact that it would appeal to everyone makes it brilliant. Investors, employees, and even the general public must be interested to know what our goals are, our five year plan, shall we say? And the fact that I can address it at this event will call people to it. I like that.”

Suddenly, it’s as if he suddenly remembers Chris is there with us. He clears his throat and adds, “We’ll review that idea and see if we can put it to practice.” Maverick stands and pulls the edges of his suit. “There we go, Chris. We’ll start plans in earnest. The committee will have its first meeting next week. We’ll revisit the plans and make any revisions or corrections we can.”

I sit for a moment, trying to gather my thoughts. What’s Maverick playing at? My breath rasps as I try to fill my lungs with air. I glance at Chris, who’s still staring like he’s trying to solve a difficult puzzle.

Rising to my feet, I shake Maverick’s hand once more. He squeezes mine. Then, he shakes Chris’s hand.

“See you soon, sir. Thanks for your time.” Chris turns to me. “Let’s go, Noelle. We have a lot of work to do.”

He leads the way to the door. I follow, aware of Maverick following us. He stays behind me as we walk to the elevator. He makes some small talk with Chris about the company’s previous marketing strategies, but I can’t pay much – or any – attention when he’s so close that my body is responding to his heat.

When the elevator doors open, I breathe a sigh of relief and as I step forward with Chris, Maverick pulls me back with a hand around my elbow, and his touch jolts my nerves. I wobble on my heels, tumbling backward. He catches me by the waist, turning me and pressing my chest to his. All the air in my lungs dissipates, and every bit of control I have over my senses vanishes.

Even though there are layers of clothing between us, my breasts are pressed to his hard chest and my palms rest on his biceps which are like stone slabs. My nipples harden, stimulated by the feel of his body against mine. Just like that night. Vivid images play in my head, increasing the heat in me. He sucks in a sharp breath and lets me go. I try to pretend I’m not affected, that all is well, but even if no one else knows it, the two of us know that’s not true.

“A moment, Noelle,” Maverick says, his voice like silk over my skin.

Chris raises an eyebrow. “Is there a problem, Mr. Thatcher?”

“She’ll be right down. I need to discuss some things with her, as she’s now my marketing assistant. Also, I need to know a few things,” he says as the elevator doors close on Chris’s astonished face.

Maverick says nothing until the elevator is on its way down; then he pushes a button. He keeps his face straight, looking forward. My pulse is still racing from my earlier stumble.

After a while, he turns to me. His gaze is searing.

“We need to talk.”

Unable to speak, I avert my gaze from his. The elevator returns, and he enters. He presses the button for the top floor, and the elevator begins its ascent.

I clear my throat. “Can … can I know where we’re going?”

The skin over his cheekbones tightens. He keeps his eyes on the elevator walls.

“My office.”

This elevator ride is a far cry from that of last Friday. Soon, the door opens and we step out. At least, the walk to his office is short. Derrick, Maverick’s assistant, stands as he approaches.

“I’m not to be disturbed, Derrick. Hold my calls and tell anyone who asks I’m in an important meeting,” Maverick says to his assistant as he steers me into his office through the open glass double doors.

Despite my stomach-churning reservations, I marvel at Maverick’s spacious office. It’s one part of the building I’ve never been to. Floor-to-ceiling windows overlook the city of Manhattan, providing a stunning view. The opaque walls provide a breathtaking backdrop for the office. There’s a distinct sitting area that’s bigger than my office.

Maverick presses a button and almost immediately there’s a reflective hue over the glass walls, shielding his office from sight and allowing for privacy.

Maverick shrugs out of his coat and hangs it on a wooden coatrack nearby. He moves closer to where I remain standing just beside the doors.
