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I'm on my second vodka shot when she makes her way back to me.

She looks distracted. And there's that damn frown again. Why?

Both of us notice Chris coming toward her. She hurries to my side. Time to put on a show.

I walk to meet her halfway and when I reach her just before he does, I interlace her hand in mine. Leaning in, I press a kiss to her lips. "Hey, babe."

"Hey," she smiles back in relief, and gives my hand a small, appreciative squeeze.

Turning to Chris, I nod. "Mr. Burnham."

Noelle turns to him and says, “Good evening, Mr. Burnham. I hope you are enjoying the event.”

He fixes me an unwavering stare. "Mr. Thatcher." Then he leeringly looks at her and says, “Indeed I am, even more so now. “ His eyes sweep her from head to toe and I feel her shivering, but I don’t think it’s the good kind as I notice her pale complexion and her lips pressed in a thin line.

Purposefully ignoring the man, I turn to Noelle. "Would you like a drink?"

Gratitude shimmers in her eyes. "I'd love one."

Linking her elbow in the nook of my arm, I ask with a flourish, "Wine?"

"Yes, please," she says.

"Red is your favorite, is it not, sweetheart?"

"Indeed it is," she answers with an adoring smile as we both walk past a visibly stung Chris.

When we've reached a considerable distance, she looks up at me, her green eyes full of appreciation. "Wow, you keep saving me time and time again."

I chuckle and pat her hand. "I think I might quit my job and become your full-time superhero."

She stops walking and faces me, her eyes softening. "Thank you, Maverick."

I brush away a stray lock of hair and press a kiss to her temple. "Anytime. Just know that you can always file a harassment suit against him if he ever does something extreme. And I assure you I'll be right here to support you."

“Thank you, Maverick. You really have no idea how much that means to me.”

I smile at her. “You can always count on me.” I look at my watch. “Unfortunately, I have to leave you for a little while. The time for my speech is approaching and I have to head to the stage. Will you be alright or do you want to come backstage and wait there for me? Make sure to keep you away from creeps and jerks.” My tone is teasing, but I can’t help but wonder if Chris will ambush her while I’m up there and can’t rescue her.

“I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me. I’ll just stay here by the bar and if anyone even looks my way, I’ll head closer to the stage and ask someone for protection.” She smiles but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. Whatever is bothering her is still there, and I just hope this party doesn’t add to it.

I kiss her softly on the lips, just because I can, and squeeze her hand encouragingly and then head to the stair leading to the stage where I’m already being summoned.

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to tonight’s gala. As you know, our new CEO, Maverick Thatcher, has been very generous in providing us with all the food, drink, and entertainment, and in order to thank him, and have him address a few words, we’d like to welcome him to the stage.”

The presenter did an amazing job introducing me, but it’s up to me to wow them. I have all my notes with me, though I know my speech by heart by now, so here goes nothing. I climb the stairs as she says, “Ladies and gentlemen, let’s hear it for the man of the hour, Mr. Maverick Thatcher.”

Polite applause follows and I know I have my job cut out for me.

“Good evening, everyone. Thank you. I hope you are having an amazing time and please enjoy the rest of the evening. I’ll keep this short and straight to the point.”

I cast my eyes throughout the audience purposefully leaving the bar for last. When my eye meets hers, I start my speech.

For a while I talk about all my plans for the company and the growth we aim for.

“We have ambitious plans and ambitious timelines, but I also know we have the best team for the job. I have every confidence that by this time next year, MediaHire will be the number one company in our sector and we will be branching out and growing, bringing all those who work for that success along with it.

“This is a company that relies on people and that will also reward people for its success, so stay tuned, everyone, because we are starting point to the sky and we’re going to blow this thing sky-high. In a good way, of course.”
