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I’m fine. I was asleep when you called. Your aunt and I are going to see a movie tonight.

I reread the message, over and again, trying to decipher any hidden context but there’s none. Short, simple, and almost cursory, but fair enough. Making a mental note to call Aunt Jessica later for confirmation, I quickly send in a reply.

So glad you’re doing okay, mom. Have fun at the movies! I’ll call to check up later, xoxo <3

My mind draws back to Abbie and I sigh inwardly.

There are moments in your life that you know you will remember forever.

Certain situations that are poignant and helped shaped who you are.

Last night was one of them. I get a vision of the hurt on her face and my chest constricts. I keep going over and over it in my mind, and I just want to know that she’s all right. I stare at my phone. I need to call the doctor to find out how she’s doing. He’s promised to update us as soon as she’s stable. I wonder how long that’s going to take.

Setting the phone down, I pick up my fork and start to dig in. Maverick is watching me, an unreadable expression on his handsome face.

“Everything okay?”

I nod, reaching for my glass to hide my eyes. “Yeah, definitely. This is delicious, by the way.”

He nods in appreciation, then says, “You talk in your sleep.”

Leaning back in my chair, I gape at him. What the hell? “How’d you know?”

“Yesterday, when driving you here. You were mumbling something. Something about your mom. You kept telling her not to leave you.”

Lowering my eyes, I stare at the edge of the island counter that was currently serving as breakfast table, past the meal on my plate. “I see.”

He says nothing as he goes back to the kitchen. When he comes out, he’s holding a plate and a mug of coffee. He sets it down across me and takes a seat, then begins to eat. We eat our food in silence until I can’t take it anymore. Exhaling aloud, I say, “My parents are getting a divorce.”

He stops chewing for a while, and gazes at me. “Why?”

“Irreconcilable differences.”

“Which means?”

“My father’s a serial cheat, apparently.”

Inhaling deeply, Maverick looks away. “How are you taking it? Can’t imagine it’s easy.”

“I don’t know. I’m sad. Angry. Devastated. Pick one. Or all of them.” I tear a piece of brown toast and pop it into my mouth. “I should also mention grief but your food is somehow subduing that, so, thanks a lot.”

A ghost of a smile lurks at his lips. “How long have they been together?”

“Thirty years.”

“That’s a long time.”

“A lifetime.”

“What’s going to happen now?”

Well,” I chew slowly on my eggs, as I think about his question. “The worst that can happen is a property repossession.”

“Of whose?”

“My mom’s.”

Maverick’s eyes are filled with disbelief. “She signed a pre-nup?”
