Page 12 of Smoke Show

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“I mean, it is direct…” Sophie said.

Gwen shook her head. “I’m getting fed up with the game. I’m not sure how much longer I can keep it going.” Her chin firmed. “But I’m also not a quitter.”

I watched my friend stare morosely into the fire, wishing there was something more I could do. Something told me quitting wasn’t in Zander’s nature either.

In the dark, the fire was mesmerizing. I contemplated the dancing flames, finding peace in the intricate weave of reds, yellows, and oranges.

The tumbling crash of logs being added to the small alcove Davis had built to store our firewood shook me from my reverie, startling me.

"Davis!" Sophie scolded, clutching a hand to her heart, eyes wide. "You scared the daylights out of me." As if she realized how ungrateful she sounded, she tacked on, "Thank you for bringing us more wood though."

"Thanks, Davis," Gwen and I echoed, Jo tilting her chin in a silent acknowledgement of her brother's kindness.

The big man shrugged, grunting something that might have been his version of a "you're welcome" before disappearing into the night.

In other circumstances, Davis would have made me nervous. The man was huge, both tall and burly, and gruff to the point of monosyllabic around our group. Thankfully, I'd hung out with Jo long enough to know that her brother was sweet underneath his Sasquatch social skills. He was always appearing where we least expected, usually quietly taking care of a chore before vanishing again. Still, I could never quite get comfortable with him. Just once, I wanted to see the big man smile or show emotion beyond stoicism.

Izzy appeared at last, clutching a box that smelled like pepperoni.

"Hey, all. I brought dinner."

"Izzy! You're the best," Sophie crowed.

"Thanks," I added, falling on the box like I hadn't eaten all day. And thinking back, I hadn’t. I'd forgotten lunch. No wonder I was so hungry. I'd gotten wrapped up in appointments, forgetting to eat the tuna salad I'd made.

"You're welcome" Izzy said, smiling serenely. She wore one of her Slice hoodies and jeans, hair caught neatly back in a braid.

"Aren't you cold?" I asked, shivering just watching her. The temperature had dropped steadily, only the heat of the fire keeping the cold at bay.

"Tonight is mild by Campfire standards," Izzy reassured with a small smile. "You'll get used to it if you live here long enough."

Shuddering on her behalf, I shook my head. "Not anytime soon."

"Are you sure it's not just thoughts of Ivan keeping you warm?" Gwen teased. "I'm also a local, but it's damn cold for just a sweatshirt."

Izzy's lips tilted in a quick smile she couldn't quite hide, and I grinned, happy for my friend. She and Ivan Nemitz had recently made things official, and she'd never looked happier.

Izzy turned on me, brows arched. "Speaking of people keeping each other warm, wasn't thatyouI saw in Brady's jacket last night?"

I shrugged, uncomfortable as every eye turned to me. I felt myself flushing under their combined attention. Gwen caught my gaze, and I couldn't turn away. She and Brady had been friends a long time. She always claimed they'd never been more, but I had my doubts. Gwen's ongoing feud with Zander Nemitz muddied the waters further. I couldn't decide if she honestly believed there was nothing brewing between her and Zander or not. Something about the way she said his name, the wistful quality she couldn't quite hide, made me think that there was more to their sign competition than a business rivalry.

"It was nothing, I forgot my coat and he was being chivalrous," I finally protested when the pause became too uncomfortable to ignore.

"Brady's kind like that," Gwen said, waving a casual hand.

I batted away the ping of jealousy her words inspired. I had no business with Brady Gleason, so her easy dismissal of any attraction between us shouldn't bother me. Sure, he was responsible, mature, and dependable, but so was a used Toyota.

I ignored the whisper that said he was everything I wanted: the kind of man who'd make an amazing partner and maybe, someday, a husband. Strong, sure, caring. He'd made it clear he thought of me as a colleague at best, a nuisance at worst.

Any lusty feelings I had for his dimples were one-sided. Had to be. We couldn't be more different. And I'd sworn off men for the foreseeable future. Maybe,somedayI'd be ready to take a risk again, but it wouldn't be with Brady. He wouldn't stay single for long unless he wanted to be, and I didn't expect him to wait for me. I had a long way to go, shoring up my defenses before I'd be ready to endanger my heart again.

Strong fences made for good neighbors, if lonely nights.

Chapter 6


Iwasalreadyexhaustedby the time play practice rolled around, but I couldn't deny the buzz beneath my skin at the thought of seeing Eve. She'd burrowed beneath my defenses, and I couldn't quite let go. My students milled around, Caleb and Lissie flirting in the corner, their interest painfully obvious based on the sheer quantity of eyelash batting and hair flipping going on. Shaking my head, I clapped my hands for their attention.
