Page 126 of Desire

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Coming back to myself, Sidney is brushing back my hair gently, while Andrya watches worriedly.

“There she is,” he chuckles, kissing my nose, grinning as I wrinkle it. “You passed out on us, Pet.”

“I tend to do that,” I rasp, blushing. Andrya giggles, helping me sit up.

“Let’s clean up a bit, remove the plug, and get to bed. What did you think?” she asks as I get up from the bed with shaking legs.

“It’s getting me all worked up as I walk,” I tell them as I glance at them, biting my lip.

“Why get clean if we’re just getting you all dirtied up again?” Sidney says with a lazy grin, tossing me on the bed.

I have a feeling the three of us aren’t going back to bed for hours as Sidney and Andrya crawl toward me. He’s already getting hard again, and my eyes widen. Something tells me I may pass out in bliss again, and it’ll be totally worth it.



For the next week, I try to find a way to talk to Isaac, but the words won’t come. Spending my time in class, eating meals with Ayden or the Warden, and in the greenhouse planting seeds to extend our crop, the days pass quickly. I also spend every day coding with Isaac, but he’s focused on working.

There’s worry in his eyes as he hacks into different castle networks. Isaac’s words still haunt me about who put in the order for my arrest, so I focus on the tasks he gives me without asking questions. I fear my step-sister and what she’s capable of doing.

I feel as if the scrambling for extra food stores and cut in funding has something to do with me. No one has said anything about it, but I did hear one of the staff members whispering. I was in a hallway I wasn’t supposed to be, walking to the twins room, so I made sure to hide.

I can’t leave or remove the problem I’m creating because no one will tell me what’s going on. So I’m finally going to put my big girl panties on and fix things with Isaac. Even with everything going on, he hasn’t hid from me, and has been waiting for me outside of the Warden’s office or after class. I don’t always need Isaac’s words, his presence is enough.

Striding toward his office, I smile at a few people that I know.

“Silla, do you have a second?” Zachary asks, stepping into my path so quickly, that I almost run into him. Rocking a step back, I look up at him.

I force myself to keep my face placid and calm, neither of which is what I feel. I’m still hurt and angry after his betrayal, because he’s a weak willed individual. Who knows when else he’ll throw me to the wolves to save himself.

Somehow, he manages to end up next to me every time I work the vegetable beds, so I studiously ignore him. Apparently, that’s only going to get me so far, because here stands Zachary.

“Yes. How can I help?” I ask succinctly. My tight sentences make his nose wrinkle in annoyance, but I can’t help that. I’ve been stuffing my feelings away for weeks about this, and inevitably they’ll start to leak out.

“Where are you going?” he asks, causing me to raise an eyebrow.

It’s none of your business.These are the words I want to speak, but instead I take a breath to say anything except this.

“I have a coding lesson,” I tell him instead. “I’m going to be late.”

Anger fills his features, making him appear almost ugly. “There’s no reason to fill your time with that when you’re just going to end up as the Queen’s whore. Silla, your section will never be changed. Is someone lying to you, filling your mind with pretty, dishonest promises?” Zachary asks.

What the fuck…?

“The only one who lies to me is standing in front of me,” I say coolly. “I’m well aware of my stance in life, what got me here, and why I’m cursed as an asset in Section B. What is unclear is why you continue to plague me, Zachary. I’ve made it quite clear that we can no longer be friends.”

Growling, he steps toward me. “I’m the only one who tells you the truth! Things are changing at FRC, can’t you feel it? Watch your step, or you’ll burn along with everyone else.”

With these words that make my head spin, Zachary pushes me out of the way. I barely manage to catch myself, mostly because of my surprise. Classes have been heavily centered around self-defense, but that doesn’t mean shit if your opponent takes you by unawares.

I have some interesting bruises to prove it.

I’ve been wondering if my step-sister has spies at FRC to monitor her assets and employees. Then there’s the added benefit for her of having information about me sent to the castle. If you’re responsible for someone’s punishment, it just makes sense that you’d be able to watch them suffer.

Now more than ever, I can see Cinder being the reason I’m here.

“Woah! No pushing!” Ayden roars, making Zachary flinch as he scurries away. “Fucking dick. We will be having words about this, Zachary!” In a softer voice, as his concerned eyes roam over me, he says, “Where are you headed? I’ll walk you while you explain douchebag to me.”
