Page 128 of Desire

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As he leans forward to kiss me again, I gasp, “Wait!” As Isaac’s brow furrows, the words explode from my mouth as if I’ll die if I don’t say them. “I love you, Isaac.”

His answering grin and the wonder in his eyes make my skin feel hot and tingly.

“Yeah, Baby?” he murmurs, pushing paperwork off his desk as he lays me back on it. “Gods, I just want to be inside of you, but people bug me too damn much.”

Isaac St. Clair is not what you’d call a people person. He’s prickly, tires easily of bullshit, and is happiest behind a computer. As his gray eyes focus on me behind his glasses, I’m so happy I can call him mine.

His arms caging me on either side, he waits to make sure I’m okay. At my nod, he leans in and kisses me senseless. As Issac grinds his erection against me, I wrap my legs around his waist.

“Will you sleep in my room with me, Baby?” he asks, his breath panting as he pushes my shirt and bra up to drag his tongue across my nipple before sucking it into his mouth.

I’m making soft, needy sounds as we’re interrupted by a knock.

“Isaac?” asks an annoyed voice, to which he rolls eyes.

“Nod if I’ll find you in my bed tonight, Little Hacker. We need to get some work in now,” Isaac whispers against the shell of my ear.

Shivering, I nod with a soft smile as he steps back so I can sit up. Moving to the other side of the desk, I pick up the papers he threw off the desk as he unlocks the door.

“Sorry, Kirkland,” Isaac says, not sounding contrite at all. “I didn’t realize the door was locked.”

Hiding my smile, I line the papers up on the desk. The order is fucked now, and he’ll have to fix it, but it’s the thought that counts.

“No, worries, St. Clair,” Kirkland mutters. Ugh, whoever this guy is, I already don’t like him.

Isaac hands me a laptop, and I sit at a table that sits in an L shape against his desk. Unfortunately it puts my back to Kirkland, but I force myself to appear calm and collected as I open it.

“Why is she here?” Kirkland asks. “She’s Section B, I doubt she’s any good with a computer.”

I can hear the scoff in his tone, and while I wish I could ignore him, I’ve learned it’s potentially bad for my health when I do that. Instead, I listen to his diatribe about how I’m pretty arm candy and a warm body as I open up the file I need. Isaac started putting assignments for me here, so I can still work if he’s busy.

It’s a system that’s been working so far.

“Have you ever heard of not judging a book by its cover, Kirkland?” Isaac asks innocently.

“Of course I have. I’m not an uncultured swine,” he mutters.

“Great, then practice it. Because the girl from Section B sitting in front of you is one of the best hackers I’ve ever encountered,” Isaac explains. My cheeks warm at the compliment, but continue to face my computer.

“No fucking way,” he mutters. I don’t even mind that they’re talking about me, rather than to me, because I wouldn’t know what to say. I enjoy living on the outskirts of public opinion or their attention. “Why is she in Section B, then?”

Fuck if I know…

“The panel works in mysterious ways,” Isaac responds instead. “Her assessments were off the charts, and Silla agreed to do some work for me. FRC’s coffers are a little bare at the moment, and there’s only so much work I can do. There are other instructors working to help with our dilemma as well.”

Kirkland closes the door at his word, causing me to flinch at the click.

“You alright there, girl?” he asks, and I force myself to take a breath.

“Yes, thank you. Small spaces and I don’t mesh well,” I explain softly, throwing my attention into coding.

“Huh,” Kirkland says, making no move to open the door. There’s weak sunlight streaming through the window which helps somehow. They continue to discuss the Queen’s decision to halve FRC’s budget, while never speaking badly about her. Instead, they discuss how they can reduce the impact it’ll have on us.

Once done, Isaac has convinced him to also freelance his time outside of the prison, and donate a large portion to the facility. Kirkland leaves fifteen minutes later, leaving the door open.

As I take a deep breath, Isaac leans over to kiss my forehead. “He’s a fucking prick,” he breathes so only I can hear. “The man enjoys purposefully making people uncomfortable. If it gets to be too much, we can take this outside to the courtyard, though it’s a bit chilly.”

“I’ll see how long I can stick it out,” I promise instead. Once I get into the flow of immersing myself into the task at hand, I have the information Isaac needs for this client. Sending it all to his computer, I close my entrance points as I leave them, sealing up any evidence that I was actually here. Once done, I lean back with a sigh.
