Page 131 of Desire

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Andrya and I have always had a copy of Sidney’s room key for emergencies, as does he. Granted, this wasn’t one, but it was totally worth it. On the way to our staff meeting, I made him give me every depraved detail, which made me hard as stone for the next hour as I led the directive for how we will handle the Queen’s budget cuts with Grayson.

Much as I am now, remembering it on this video call with the Queen. Fuck me.

“Am I boring you?” Queen Cinder asks as she paces across the screen. She’s on her soapbox again about why Section B assets should be ready to graduate in the mere two months that they’ve been at FRC.

“Not at all, your majesty,” I say, willing my erection to go down. This is the worst moment ever to be hard while on a call with Silla’s step-sister. “I’m simply trying to wrap my mind around your current demands. I don’t fancy sending my recruits to die after spending so much time teaching the little assholes. This is not because I am particularly attached to them, but because it seems like a waste.”

Cinder is pacing as she listens to me, her severely cut navy dress swishing as she turns just before leaving the frame completely.

“I can see the validity of your statement, but it doesn’t change my urgent need for more spies on the ground. Ayden, there are people who want to remove me from power, and I need to find out who they are. My current staff is unable to ferret out the traitors,” she explains. Frankly, I can’t keep the surprise from my face.

While the Queen and I have had calls sporadically over the years because my sister refuses to, we do not have the kind of relationship where she confides in me. It makes me twitchy and uncomfortable. Smoothing my expression as she turns back to the camera, I thank the Gods that she didn’t see.

“I am working tirelessly with the other instructors to ensure these assets are hardier and better trained than previous cycles. We’ve added hand to hand sparring and weight training to their days, along with extra weapons instruction. You need people on the ground who are going to last through their first few missions rather than cannon fodder if I’m understanding correctly?” I ask.

I don’t typically care about my assets outside of getting them trained and on their way, however I’m rather attached to my raven- haired, green- eyed Kitten. I may not be able to save her from her fate, but I can promise she’ll be well equipped to handle whatever happens.

Fuck, I hope she can get away with killing or drugging them without having to fuck any of them. There’s only so many people I’m alright sharing her with, and now that we are two months into our program, the real world is encroaching daily into our little bubble of bliss.

“Yes…” the Queen drawls, interested. Her tone makes my blood pressure spike, but I give her the bored expression she’s well acquainted with. “I can see why you need to take more time if you can ensure they won’t die as quickly. I’ve been rather disappointed recently with the quality of product coming from FRC.”

She acts as if we are running a drug ring, and I have to hold back my eye roll.

“How is Silla Tremaine settling into your program?” she asks with a sly smile. “She’s always been trouble, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s giving you a run for your money.”

A tinkling laugh that would be cute on Silla, merely sounds like broken glass coming from the Queen’s lips. Silla is anything but trouble.

“She’s been fine,” I tell her coolly, not giving anything away. “The transition was a bit bumpy from freedom to incarceration, but you know everyone struggles in the beginning.”

I don’t want Queen Cinder to have any reason to travel to the camp. It’s hard enough having a video chat with the face of evil. I don’t know what the king sees in her.

“As you know, I despise travel, but my step-sister is so special to me,” she says in a sugary sweet voice. “I know you all aren’t holding grudges either with the recent budget cuts? I would hate to see sour faces if I were to make an appearance.”

“No, of course not, your majesty. FRC is tightening their belts and we are grateful for the opportunity to live in continued humility,” I lie. The Warden made the mistake of telling the Queen’s Mission that we had a nest egg. I take great pride in my ability to adapt. It’s the reason I’m still alive.

“Good, good,” Queen Cinder sighs, swaying slightly as she thinks. Andrya and I think there’s something wrong with our queen, though this is only voiced in private. Her prison system’s cruelty is well known, and not something we want to experience first hand. The way the Queen keeps jumping between subjects is jarring, but it forces me to keep my mind from wandering. “Did you know that my step-sister was a virgin?”

Taking a deep breath, I’m more glad than ever that Sidney and I weren’t responsible for relieving our girl of her virginity in front of a classroom of people. We would have been too rough, and she wouldn’t have deserved any of it.

I don’t think I’d be able to forgive myself.

“We found out during class,” I lie with a smirk. “She was such a whore for my dick, imagine my surprise when I pulled it out covered in her virginal blood.”

Her eyes widen, but they’re filled with evil glee. Sidney, Andrya, and I now regularly have sex with Silla as part of class activities. Even if Cinder has a mole in my Section, all they’ll remember are Silla’s screams from the vent fiasco, and her sweet cries when she comes.

“Wow, I didn’t know the priss had it in her,” the Queen mutters, contradicting her previous words. While I know Silla was hacking and stealing from the royal circles, it was to escape her step-sister’s plans for her. “If things are going as well as you say they are, you won’t have a problem with me sending along one of my personal auditors to stay at the camp for a while. The poor dear will be upset with me for making her rough it, but she’ll be fine.”

Shit. Shit. Shit! Damned if I do, and double damned if I don’t.

“Of course,” I respond smoothly. “I’ll tell the Warden so we can set her up with a room.”

“Does Silla have an extra bed in her room?” she asks silkily with a wicked smile. “Lana could always just stay with her.”

My lips twist into a smile even as my mind works to figure out how to keep this from happening.

“We had to remove the bed, as it’s clear Silla can’t have a roommate,” I explain with a shrug. “She began having terrible nightmares after Andrya decided to cure the assets of their fears. My sister, Sidney, and I put her in a vent in our classroom to scream it out. We continued teaching as if it wasn’t happening.”

“You…” An odd look comes over the Queen’s face, making me wonder if she actually cares about her step-sister. The giggle that bursts out of her quickly makes it apparent that I’m wrong. “That’s fantastic! I love how fucking twisted you three can get. It’s why I spared you all from my prison.”
