Page 134 of Desire

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“I think they’re too tired to notice, what with everything else we’re incorporating,” Andrya denies. “Do you miss it?”

“Miss being unhinged?” Sidney snarks. “No, not as much as I thought I would. I don’t think I want to go back to being that person, either.”

“We’re still plenty fucked up,” I remind him. “I got hard thinking about your fantasy while on the video call with the Queen.”

Andrya looks confused as we start to leave the auditorium. We have class soon, after all.

“What fantasy? Also, only you would pop an erection while talking to that woman,” she says distastefully.

“You make it sound as if I’m attracted to her,” I hiss. Shuddering, I cover my mouth as I gag. “You take that back, Andrya, or I’ll puke all over you.”

“Ugh, fine. I take it back, but only if you tell me about the fantasy. I’m going to be sleeping alone now, and I need to add things to my spank bank,” Andrya grins.

Rolling my eyes, I tell her all about it as we walk into class.



It’s been three days since Lana arrived at FRC. She has straight black hair, dark eyes, and is very pale. I swear she sees too much as well, so I try to stay on the opposite side of the room during class.

We’ve been working on making new poisons, and had an exam much like the beginning of the program, except no one died this time. I think Lana was a little disappointed, because there was a glint of cruel excitement as she watched us all. She also kept asking Ayden if there was any kind of safety net if someone made a mistake. I think she thinks her last couple of days here have been rather dull.

No one’s died, been electrocuted, or even been fucked in class.

“Lana, there’s not a safety net in the real world, so why would I bother with one here?” he asks. Ayden isn’t wrong, but it still left me with a chill along my spine as I finished up.

I’ve lived in a bubble the last month, and I needed the reminder that the Trio aren’t particularly good people. They push us hard, work tirelessly to make us better spies, but Sidney reminded me of who they truly are.

I don’t want to be the reason the Queen comes in and punishes anyone. This is a new fear I’m living with, and it kept me up last night. The fact that Lana is here at all concerns me. Her gaze on me feels oily and uncomfortable, even though I try to make myself seem small as I work.

Rumors from those who have warmed her bed the last couple of nights have also begun to circulate. Annalise has bruises around her throat, and she was Lana’s playtoy two nights ago. When she met my eyes, they seemed strangely haunted, and goosebumps exploded all over my skin.

Michael, the man who gave Sidney a blow job while I was in the vent, was with her last night. There’s rope burns around his wrists, and he’s still wearing a collar. Apparently, Lana enjoyed her time with him, because he said he’s spending the night with her again.

Curiously, no one knows who was with Lana the first night of her stay at FRC. I wonder how awful it was, because apparently this woman is a bit rough with her lovers.

My cheeks heat as I think about how judgey I’m being, reminders of how sore my ass was after nights spent with Grayson. It’s uncharitable, but Lana Kort rubs me the wrong way.

I spoke to Gray, and apparently Lana flits in and out of his office as if she owns the place throughout the day, peppering him with questions. In an effort to keep me out of her eyesight, I spend that time with Isaac coding for him.

This way I still get to eat, and I’m helping my adorable nerd. He managed to get a moment with me where people weren’t talking to him, and explained that my work is actually paid. The coding I do is helping to fund the FRC coffers so we can continue to grow them.

It takes a lot of money to feed everyone and keep the lights on. As much as I hate this place, going hungry would make it all so much worse.

Eating my salad, I’m working on my projects for Isaac, not facing the door. As an oily, dark feeling flows over me, I close my eyes against it for a moment. I know Lana is inside of the office, and I force myself to appear calm and collected.

“Miss Kort,” Isaac says formally, standing up to greet her. “How can I help you today?”

“Do you always have an asset in your office when you’re taking your lunch break?” Lana asks curiously. Isaac isn’t actually eating, this is more an excuse so I have a safe place to eat lunch. Everyone is always so surprised I’m in here working because I’m in Section B. I want to scream that I’m worth more than what’s between my legs, but stay quiet.

“I do, yes. She is helping me with some work, and because there’s only one of me, I’ll gladly take the help,” Isaac says, inclining his chin to her.

“Hmm. Are you going to introduce us? I’m trying to learn faces and names in Section B, but it’s difficult since there’s so many of them.” Lana sighs.

There are six different classes in Section B, and she only seems to be interested in the class taught by Andrya, Sidney, and Ayden. I very much doubt she’s trying to get to know everyone.

You’d think Lana would know my name because she’s in my class every day, but my instructors do everything possible not to say my name. Sidney has reverted to calling me “the girl”, and every time he does, it’s like a dagger to the heart.
