Page 29 of Desire

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Laying it over her, I hush her. “You’re cold, let me fix it, Baby.”

“Why do you call me that?” Silla asks me, her head dropping back to look at me. “Little Hacker, Baby… I just don’t understand.”

“Because you’re mine, if you’ll have me that is. I know it doesn’t make sense, but you raise the caveman in me. I want to know everything about you, and I know I can’t give you much in here…”

“I just need something to hold onto. Today really sucked,” Silla whispers, trying to cover the emotion in her voice and dropping her eyes.

“Don’t hide from me,” I growl softly. “It makes me fucking crazy, Silla.”

“It’s easier. My eyes say too much, and that’s just not safe,” Silla says.

“What do I need to say or do for you to trust me?” I ask, knowing I sound desperate.

“Grayson says not to trust anyone,” she snorts. “I’m flying blind here, and I’m terrified. Tomorrow we start what Andrya told us tonight are ‘practical’ lessons, and my mind is whirling with all the things that could mean. I really don’t want to lose my virginity to a stranger under the guise of some fucked up teaching moment.”

Silla’s voice is getting louder as she spirals, and I let her talk. No one can hear her here, because my rooms are away from everyone else. I don’t have a roommate, since I work odd hours, and Grayson made sure to give me a room without a lot of foot traffic near it.

“If there was one thing you could control, what would it be?” I ask, allowing myself the small indulgence of running my fingers through her hair. Silla gives a breathy moan as I start to rub her scalp, and I bury my face in her neck. Fuck, now I know why Grayson lost his mind.

“I want to choose who I give my firsts to,” Silla says softly, turning in my lap to look up at me. “You got my first kiss, will you be the first man I have sex with?”

My eyes drift to her lips, knowing she’s barely had the flushes of a kiss. “I… you’re absolutely sure? I would do my best to stop if you change your mind, but Little Hacker you’re difficult to deny.”

Silla licks her lips, her hand grabbing the back of my neck so she can use me as support as she shifts, so that she’s straddling me. “No, I won’t change my mind. Kiss me, Isaac,” she insists, her breath quickening. The movement makes her breasts jiggle, and my eyes flutter.

My hand tightens on the hair I’m now holding at the nape of her neck. I can’t tell you when this happened, but her eyes widen, and her pupils dilate with desire.

“Silla, I want to devour your lips, kiss every part of your body, and fuck you until you’re mine,” I growl.

Shivering, she pants. “Please,” she begs, and my control breaks.

Slanting my lips over hers, I kiss her the way I’ve been dying to. Her mouth opens as if she was born knowing how to kiss me, and I groan. Grayson better figure out his shit, because I’m gone for this girl.



Isaac is one of the most intense people that I’ve ever met, outside of Grayson. In some ways he’s more so because of how introspective he is.

Standing with me in his arms, he tosses the blanket away as his lips travel down my neck. “I want to do so much with you,” he murmurs, walking to his bed.

Tossing me carefully onto it, I gasp as I sail through the air. He’s stronger than you’d expect spending so much time on a computer, but I’m learning there’s so much to Isaac that I don’t know.

His lips curl into a feral smile as he pulls his shirt off one handed. My skin pebbles with goosebumps, but not because I’m cold. “Close your mouth, Little Hacker, or you’ll attract flies,” Isaac teases me.

“I’m a little overwhelmed,” I say honestly. His face falls, and I add quickly, “You’re gorgeous, Isaac.”

His grin reappears, and he crawls onto the bed. “I know you’ve looked in the mirror recently, but I just want to crawl into your mind and explore. Creepy, maybe, but you’re pretty and smart. It’s sexy as fuck,” Isaac growls.

His fingers twist into the fabric of my shirt, and he grunts, “Up.”

Biting my lip, I lift my arms, and Isaac slowly peels it up my body. There’s a moment where I can’t see, causing me to gasp as it covers my face.

“Easy, Silla. I got you. I promise,” Isaac murmurs, and I hold onto his voice as he pushes me onto my back.

My shirt clears my face, and I blink up at him. Isaac takes off his glasses, tossing them onto the nightstand.

“They’re starting to fog up,” he chuckles. “As soon as your wrists are healed, there’s all kinds of things I want to try.”
