Page 34 of Desire

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“I’m really jealous,” I giggle, looking over the space. It’s nothing fancy, but it feels like a luxury after the one I’ve been using.

“I’m planning to keep you to myself as often as I can,” Isaac promises. “We have to be careful…”

He winces as he puts me on my feet to turn on the shower.

“I know. I’m not clingy, even on a bad day, Isaac. Trust me, I can keep secrets,” I remind him.

“That came out badly,” he sighs, pulling me into the stream of water. “Being with me could put a target on your back, and all I want to do is protect you.”

Shrugging, I push my hair out of my face as I wrap my arms around his waist. “You can’t protect me, Isaac. I know you know that.”

Isaac grimaces, grabbing the shampoo from the built in shelf. Pouring some into his hand, he starts to wash my hair. “No, but having you around me more to work on coding with you means that no one else can fuck with you. It also means that I’ll be able to add a note in your file so that the government will use that sexy brain too when you’re released. Silla… there’s no real release program for this. You’ll always be under their thumb,” he murmurs.

“I kind of wondered about that,” I tell him as he turns me to continue washing my hair. “I was given a split-second decision to decide what my future would be like, so I have to live with the one I chose.”

Grunting, Isaac doesn’t have a chance to answer, because the bathroom door opens.

“I just took the world’s fastest shower because Isaac doesn’t have the ‘good’ conditioner in his bathroom,” Grayson complains.

Bursting into laughter, I wonder for not the first time how this is my life currently.



My stomach is in knots over how badly I misunderstood Silla. Yet, she still pops her head out from behind the shower curtain to smile at me, with her hand out for the conditioner. I brought her one of my extra bottles, because her hair is curly like mine. She’s wet, skin glistening, and my mouth dries at the sight of her.

After giving her the container, I lean against the wall. “Hey creeper,” Isaac teases, making me smirk. “Are you going to give our girl shit if she misses a meal to study?”

My chest clenches as I hear him call herours. She’s not mine yet, but I’m trying.

“You know how I am about food,” I complain with a sigh. I want to take care of people, even within the boundaries of the reform camp. “I’ll do my best, but I don’t think you finished dinner tonight either, did you, Silla?”

“Nope,” the brat says, popping the ‘P’. “I was talking to Zachary, and then I kind of lost my appetite after talking to you.”

“Zachary who?” Isaac asks curiously.

“Just someone who was nice when I was in the dining hall. He has told me he doesn’t want to sleep with me, and just wants to be my friend,” Silla reassures, amusement coloring her voice.

“Oh?” I chuckle. “That’s pretty forward of him. So he wasn’t trying to hook up with you in the courtyard?”

“Oh my God, is that what you thought?!” Silla gasps. Shrugging even though she can’t see me, a blush tinges my ears. I’m a jealous asshole. “Wait, is that why Zach told me not to go there without him?”

“Yes, Little Hacker. Did you need some air, and is that why he took you out there?” Isaac asks.

“Yeah, my anxiety was clawing at me in the dining hall, and Zach noticed. There were too many people, so he got me out of there,” Silla explains.

“So, I should stop looking at him like I want to kill him whenever I see him?” I joke.

“Grayson!” Silla yells, and I burst out laughing. Except my laugh is more of a cross between a guffaw and a roar.

“I’m sorry. It got under my skin, and you’re right, I overreacted,” I agree.

The water turns off, and I open a towel for her as she peeks out from behind the curtain. I’ve seen the faces she makes when she’s in the throes of pleasure, but she’s still shy. It’s adorable. Silla takes it from me as she steps out.

“You certainly did. I have to say it’s fun getting under your skin,” she says with a smirk as she dries off.

“There’s a hair dryer for you on the counter. It’s mine, but—”
