Page 59 of Desire

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“I’m fine,” I answer, yawning despite my nap.

“I’ve never seen someone that close to collapsing. What the hell happened during your class?” he asks, pushing my head up so our eyes meet.

“I had a panic attack. The three of them are very overwhelming, and they circled around me until the air felt really thin,” I tell him, wrinkling my nose at him. “I was hungry, sleepy, and panicking, so I screamed at them to back up. I gave myself a foot cramp, disrupting my panic attack, and then made my escape. I’m not having a good day.”

Isaac stares at me, his gray eyes trying to figure out my secrets. “Why do I feel as if there’s more to this?” He sighs.

“I’m sure there were other things: like jealousy and annoyance, but you have the cliff notes,” I murmur, oversharing again.

Pushing me onto my back, he leans over me. “Jealous over what, baby?” Isaac asks, kissing down my neck.

Whimpering, I arch into his kisses. “No reason,” I whisper. “It’s stupid when you’re here, kissing me, and she’s not.”

Pulling back, he moves until he’s laying on top of me, keeping his weight off me, and on his forearms. “Explain, Little Hacker,” he rumbles and I shake my head.

“Ayden brought up that you’re apparently a very rough partner when Andrya mentioned that you visited her last night,” I explain.

“You make it seem like I didn’t go over there with the intent to scare the shit out of her and kill her,” Isaac says, amused. “Those three twist everything, but I can be very rough at times. I chose to treat you as something precious, because you are.”

Kissing me on the tip of my nose, he stares at me. “I haven’t been with her since you and I met, Silla. You’ve been on my mind, and no one else. You know about Grayson and I…”

“Funny enough, I think that’s really hot, and it doesn’t bother me,” I reassure him. “I’m… I don’t know what I’m doing when it comes to sex. I feel clumsy, and inexperienced, and Andrya isn’t either one of those things. So I guess… I felt insecure. She tried to shut her brother up, but the damage was done. I never said anything about us though.”

“Baby Girl, the only reason that I’m not screaming it from the top of the building is because I’m an instructor here. The three fuck-a-teers do what they want, as you know, but it’s never been more than to scratch an itch. What else happened?” he asks.

“They’re too much for me to deal with all at once, so when they said that they’d be accompanying me to meals, I told them I wasn’t hungry. My stomach decided to tell them I was a liar though,” I mutter.

“What do you want to do right now?” Isaac asks, kissing my lips.

Chasing them as they leave, I pout. “I’m hungry, so I guess I should eat soon,” I tell him.

“Good, because it’s dinner time. Gray was adamant they eat with you, but not all of them at once. Pick one of them, and I'll make sure they meet you in the dining hall,” Isaac promises, sitting up as my lips twist.

“They’re all awful,” I groan, sitting up. “Sidney and Ayden watch me like they want to devour me, and Andrya looks at me as if I’m made of glass. I’m not.”

“I know you’re made of sterner stuff than glass. Andrya heard you scream for hours, so it makes sense that she would worry,” he explains.

Standing, I release a breath of relief when the room doesn’t swim in front of my eyes. My hair is a mess of curls, and I frown at the sight in the mirror.

“I think you look beautiful,” Isaac murmurs, sucking on my neck as my pulse flirts back at him. “I’ll send the first one I see. Now scoot.”

Forcing my feet into my shoes, my lips lift as I realize that Isaac took them off for me. Regardless of how he treats others, he sees to my needs and wants.

“See you later,” I say, my lips still lifted in a smile as I leave the room.

Walking to the dining hall, I listen to the snippets of conversations going on around me. My stomach chooses this moment to roar to life, and I wince as I go through the food line. Spaghetti, salad, and bread are my choices I place on my tray, and then I’m left with the taxing decision of where to sit.

It’s really busy, and I don’t see many open spots at tables. My stomach complains again, and I start walking, deciding I’m just going to sit wherever there’s an open spot.

“Kitten!” I hear, and I growl. Dammit, Isaac.

Ayden throws his arm around my shoulder, directing me to an empty table that I didn’t notice. Dropping into a seat, I pray that my appetite holds out.

Cutting a bite of the spaghetti, my lips pull it off the fork with a small moan. It’s actually better than I thought it would be, but it could just be my hunger. Ayden watches me curiously as I chew.

“Good?” he asks softly, smiling gently as I nod.

“I skipped lunch, so this is amazing,” I explain.
