Page 69 of Desire

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“You’re that short-staffed that we have to have you running all over for us?” Miss Hall asks haughtily, and my fingers spasm.

I’m beginning to get very irritated. “No Ma’am. I just don’t want you all walking unsupervised in my facility,” I tell her with a sugary smile.

Sniffing at my impertinence, she allows me to walk them to their destinations. I grab a staff member who is minding her own business in the hallway to help Miss Hall on my way to the records room. Thankfully she recognizes the navy blue formal uniforms they’re wearing, realizing they’re here on orders from the Queen.

I’m nervous as to what Mr. Todd’s reaction will be when we arrive at Isaac’s office. I know for a fact that he’s not here.

Banging on the door, I wait for a moment before shrugging. “As I said, I believe that he’s retired for the evening,” I explain.

“Nonsense. I need to be escorted to his room immediately. You don’t understand, she’ll be so upset if I don’t bring a list to her,” he says worriedly, beginning to sweat.

Godsdamnit. I know exactly how unhinged Queen Cinder can be, though it’s not common knowledge.

“I hope you’re not upset if he’s in the shower, or in some sort of undress,” I murmur as I start leading the man to Isaac’s room. “We aren’t usually perfectly dressed once we enter our rooms for the night.”

“Yes, yes. I quite understand, and if this wasn’t a life or death situation, I’d leave it for a better time,” he says, wringing his hands.

Yep, this man is in deep shit with the queen. Isaac isn’t going to be very happy when we bang on his door, and I can only hope that Silla has time to hide. Even for a training exercise, it would look bad if she was in an instructor’s bedroom.

Just the cherry on an already shittastic day.

“Why is his room so far away from everything,” Mr. Todd, complains, and my lips twitch.

“Isaac takes his downtime very seriously, and needs the time away from people. So his room is further from the noise and the other staff members. Unfortunately, he has the best knowledge of how well everyone is doing in Section A, therefore, he’s the only one who can help you,” I tell him, my voice rumbling.

My nice attitude is gone for the most part, and I’m the growly Warden that most of our inmates fear.

Mr. Todd pales, though his lips twist into a bit of a snarl. Sometimes, when you scare people, they just get mean.

“This is his room, Sir,” I tell him smoothly, though the damage is already done.

Raising his fist, he does an impressive impersonation of one of my knocks as he slams it on the door. I hear Isaac muttering to himself inside, the walls dampening anything that he’s saying.

The door opens, and there’s a flush to his cheeks, and he looks freshly fucked. He looks like a damn treat. That is, until he sees who I’m standing next to.

Isaac is a fairly decent actor though, so he leans up against the door, his shirt riding up just enough to show off his abs. This man knows his share of secrets too, and Mr. Todd’s eyes move to eat up the impressive flesh on display.

I thought the man was a bit straight laced to enjoy the male form, but it shows that you can’t judge a book by its cover. Isaac didn’t completely fix his pants, though I can see that he at least buttoned up his fly.

“Did we catch you at a bad time?” Mr. Todd asks silkily, knowing we damn well are.

It’s clear to me that Isaac had his dick in Silla not too long ago, but I can’t see past his body to find her.

“I was just about to get into the shower. It’s been a long day,” Isaac says, grabbing his shirt behind his neck and pulling it off.

I hide my smile because I think this may be overkill, but I do admire the scroll work running up his left side. It’s black and dark purple, with skulls on either side. One day, I plan to run my teeth and tongue along that tattoo.

“I… see that. My apologies,” Mr. Todd says insincerely, his voice sounding slightly strangled.

Shrugging, Isaac tosses his shirt, and I catch a glimpse of Silla’s bra before it’s covered. The asshole is smooth, that’s for sure.

“How can I help you gentlemen?” he purrs, and even my dick hardens.

“I need some information for the queen that only you have. She’s lost some of her top hackers, and needs to know who is field ready,” Mr. Todd explains.

Isaac’s gray eyes widen a little, and I know he understands what that means. While the hackers and intelligence officers tend to stay alive longer, casualties still occur.

“I have that information on my computer here, but I need to turn the shower off first,” he says, stepping back into the room.
