Page 85 of Desire

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“Is there something wrong?” the Warden asks, his brow raising.

“Umm no?” I say. Gods, does he know that I was thinking about taking a nap instead of eating?

“Good, you’re having lunch with me. Did you have other plans?” Gray asks, his hand on my shoulder to lead me away from the dining hall. “You’re already starting to relax with every step away from that room. If it means you’ll eat regularly, I’ll make arrangements for you to go elsewhere.”

“Seriously?” I pipe up, surprised.

“Silla,” he groans. “Fuck’s sakes, you’re going to give me gray hair. How’s your ass? Sore?”

The ass is smirking as I look up at him. I’ve been ignoring it, but I know I’ll be sitting funny for a bit.

“Let’s talk about this gray hair,” I grumble. “I don’t think I’m the only reason for it.”

“Why do you have dirt on your knees?” Gray asks, changing the subject, and I huff in frustration.

“Sidney was cutting plant clippings for class tonight. He was telling me about what they all do,” I explain.

Opening the staff door for the lounge, he nods. “I’ll be right back. Don’t wander off,” he warns.

“I’m not a puppy.” I sigh.

“I’ll hurry up with food before you bite my head off some more.” Gray smirks, disappearing into the room.

Blowing out a breath, I lean against the wall as people pass by. I’ve been very in my head today, and I struggle to pay attention to my surroundings. While I haven’t had a lot of trouble with people pushing me around outside of yesterday’s altercation, I force my self-preservation skills to kick in.

Andrya breezes past me, the blue streak in her hair shockingly apparent in the crown of braids she’s created around her head. She’s a little shorter than Ayden, and I’ve noticed that she hasn’t tried to seek me out the way the guys do.

I don’t believe that I’m being full of myself with this revelation, I just find it strange. She climbed into bed with me when I was half asleep and she pretended to be my roommate, but lately it feels as if she’s avoiding me.

Andrya doesn’t look over at me as she disappears into the staff lounge, and Gray comes out a few moments later. Maybe I really do need to eat.

“You’re right, I’m hungry,” I concede, following him to his office.

Chuckling, he hands me his keys to open the door. The Warden’s arms are loaded down with food.

“I try to always be right,” he says smugly, and I giggle because this man is ridiculous.

Big dick energy follows him for a reason. Unlocking the door, I open it wide to allow us both to walk in.

“Lock the door, I want you snuggled in my arms as you eat. I don’t care if I’m being needy, either,” he complains.

Locking the door behind me, I climb onto his lap once the food trays are on the desk.

“You’re so cold. Godsdamnit! Why did no one tell me that your uniforms are so ridiculous,” Gray snarls, unlocking his computer. “I’m putting in an email to the crown’s staff and putting in a clothing order. This is fucking awful.”

“No one says anything because we’re inmates, and our opinions don’t matter,” I tell him primly, kissing his jaw to calm him down. “I’ve been cold since I walked into this Godsforsaken place.”

“Eat, and feed me a fry here and there, Dangerous Girl,” he grunts instead, making me smile.

While my ass does ache deliciously, lunch with Grayson in his office is a million times better than eating in the dining hall. He also managed to order uniforms that Section B won’t freeze in.

I guess that’s a win.

* * *

I eatat least lunch with Grayson in his office for the next two weeks. It’s a nice break from the loud and busy dining hall, and I quickly notice that it helps me have a better day. I’m less in my head as well.

Ayden finds me during dinner usually, and then either walks with me to class, or invites me to have dessert with him and continue playing twenty questions. We rarely get beyond a few rounds before Issac comes to find me. Ayden has also been giving me intense looks lately, but I’m not sure what to make of it.
