Page 45 of Milo

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“Ready?” the women asked, making their way into the room as I tried gathering myself.

My sweet aroma filled the room and I was certain it was still on Milo’s lips and face. The towel beneath me was soiled. Nevertheless, I turned around and positioned my belly in the large hole before lowering my face into the smaller one.

“Yes,” Milo responded, knowing I didn’t have the words to share.

I felt him pull the towel over my bottom half. My personal scent tickled my nostrils as I felt his hand touch my back. I lifted my head to address him. The conviction in his eyes spoke before he opened his mouth.

“I really don’t give a fuck what’s going on right now. When this shit is all said and done, Nay, we’re locked in,” he whispered, needing to get that off his chest. He was unable to hold it in a second longer.

“You’re different. I’m different. We can’t go back to the people we were.Whatwe were. Let’s not spin in circles, chasing the unobtainable.”

“I’ma spin and spin and spin again until you get it through that thick ass skull of yours.”

He lifted, revealing his thick print through the towel, forcing me to clench below and pray that I was given the strength to save myself the heartache I knew he would cause me in the future.

* * *

Soundlessly,we rode. Not even music played in the background. Both deep in our thoughts and completely relaxed, we indulged in the silence. The short distance traveled reduced the awkwardness. When we finally pulled into the parking lot of Giselle’s, Milo was out and by my side within seconds.

He assisted me out of the car and onto my feet. Behind him, I made my way up to the restaurant where they sold breakfast all day and night. The idea of an omelet stuffed with American cheese, chicken, bell peppers, and onions left my mouth watery.

We entered the establishment and found ourselves a seat in a booth closest to the back of the restaurant. My bladder protested against my comfort. The second I was situated, the restroom began beckoning for me. Blowing out in frustration, I slid toward the other end of the booth and stood to my feet.

“What’s the matter?” Milo asked, standing to his feet as well.

“Restroom,” I sighed with a shake of my head.

“Poor baby,” he cooed, extending his hand so that I could lead the way.

“It’s fine. I can go al–”


He placed a finger to his lips and shook his head from one side to the other, letting me know that I was wasting my breath. Taking heed to his warning, I strutted toward the restroom, feeling his glare burn holes in my backside. I’d shed the coat and so had he. I was exposed completely from behind.

Upon making it inside, I quickly emptied my bladder. Relief left me breathless as I squatted over the toilet, hoping and praying I didn’t wet my leggings by accident. After cleaning myself up, I stepped out of the stall I’d occupied and took a look in the mirror.

Thank God.

The door of the restroom opened, startling me. In some sick, shameful way, I expected Milo’s head to peek around the corner. Instead, I was blessed with a tall, shapely figure that commanded my attention and I was sure she’d commanded the attention of everyone she’d passed to get to the restroom.

“Okay. Aren’t you just the freaking cutest,” she exclaimed, wiggling her fingers.


Her acknowledgment led me to believe she knew me. Unfortunately, I had no clue who she was and how she’d know me. I’d remember a beauty of this magnitude and she was nowhere in my mental rolodex.

“Do I know you?” I probed, pumping soap into my palm.

“Nope,” she stated as a matter of fact. “But you will soon. I’m Kleu, Lawe’s fiancée.”

My eyes bulged, unsure if I’d heard her correctly.

“Lawe? Engaged?”

“No.” She chuckled. “We’re not. But we’re testing the waters. Seeing how it sounds. Neither of us are really interested in marriage, but we figured, what the hell, right? Besides, fiancée has a little ring to it. Literally. We can stop at that point. We don’t have to be dramatic and sign papers.”

Her humor made my cheeks rise.
