Page 69 of Milo

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My destination was set,but I’d be damned if I didn’t contemplate stopping by the liquor store and turning a bottle up. Warm. No ice. No cup. Turn that bitch right up because this shit with Nature had me out of my body, out of my head. Two days of no communication left me feeling as empty inside as that day she left my dorm room.

Then, I felt like a fucking fool and now I felt like an even bigger fool. Not once, but twice, Christina and Nature had crossed paths. I understood her position. That shit would send me up in flames, too, if the roles were reversed. There was little I could do to fix the damage that had been done. My only option was moving forward. The first step in that direction was keeping my word and keeping my dick out of Christina’s mouth.

As the five o’clock hour approached, the palms of my hand began to perspire. My nervous system wasn’t in overdrive because I was afraid to face Nature. I wanted to. I had to. I owed her a thousand apologies.

It was the hurt on her beautiful face that I was afraid to see. It was the pain in her silky voice that I was afraid to hear. It was the disappointment in her beautiful brown eyes that I was afraid to witness. It was the defeat in her posture that I was afraid to encounter.

With a shake of the head, I rubbed my hands down my pants to dry them. The fabric of my jeans soaked the moisture up immediately.

Leaning against Nature’s ride, I scrolled my phone. As if queued, I landed on Malachi’s number. My finger hovered over the contact listing, contemplating the call. If there was anyone that could give me sound advice when it came to a woman, one that you loved wholeheartedly, it was him. I brushed a finger over the contact, deciding to put the call through regardless of my hesitation.


“When I call, greet me better than that, nigga.”

“Or, I could hang this bitch up, Milo.”

“Don’t do that. I’d hate to have to pull up and show my ass in front of Aussie.”

“You won’t make it up the driveway for her to see you.”

“Is that a threat?”

“It’s a promise. I stand on that.”

“Nigga swear he a fucking gangster.”

“I’ve never stated that.”

“It’s insinuated.”

“It’s understood, nigga, now what’s up?”

Blowing out a stream of air, I prepared to tell him the details of the last forty-eight hours of my life. I scratched the back of my head, trying to figure out where to start.

“She won’t keep waiting for you to get it right, Milo.”

“I haven’t ev—”

“You don’t have to, Lil Bro. I can hear it in the sound of your voice. The deflection at the beginning of the call was a dead giveaway, too.”

“I might’ve fucked up, again,” I explained.


“Christina, man.”

“Who is Christina? You know what? It doesn’t matter.”

“It does, though. It does.”


“Because she was the same chick Nature saw at my crib. I didn’t let her know the business then, but I should’ve. Nature brought lunch to the office Friday. Christina is my assistant and the receptionist. She was unable to greet Nature when she came in because she was burying my seeds down her throat. It was the last time, though. Without a doubt, that was going to be the last fucking time, bro. We walked to the front, bumping right into Nature as I told her so.”

The dramatic whistling from the other end of the line made my stomach knot.

“Chill, nigga, it’s not that bad.”
